Page 24 of It Was Always You

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I'd always thought they would make a great couple. Jen had had a crush on him forever, but Elliott always told me he wasn't interested in his younger sister’s friend. Parker came in behind Elliott and met my gaze. I followed his eyes as they skimmed down my body then traveled back up. He noticed me watching him and gave me a small smile. I loved thatsmile.

"Hey, sis! Do you have anything to gotoday?"

I pointed to the bag on the floor by the door. "Oh, and the cooler out front. It’s filled with somedrinks."

Elliott grabbed the bag and Parker the cooler, and they went to put them in the back of histruck.

I turned to grab my phone and decided against it. The last thing I wanted was for that idiot to have access to me today, so I shut the phone off and left it on the table. As we walked out the front door, Jen tapped me on theshoulder.

"You failed to mention how hot he turned out tobe."

"We ended a long time ago, Jen," I said, pulling the front door closed and lockingit.

"Not Parker. I mean he's hot, and you should totally go for him—I even saw him check you out—but I was talking aboutElliott."

It was a cool nightand clouds were starting to blow in over the water. The boat had been docked and we had found a spot on the beach for the bonfire. Jen and I were waiting on the beach for the guys to bring over the wood from Parker'struck.

"So, you and Elliott spent a lot of time togethertoday?"

"Yeah we found a great little reef with a ton of fish. It was amazing. We snorkeled around, and then we took a break out on the sand bar, soaking up some rays." She smiled. "You guys looked rather cozy when we got back to the boat." She nudged my shoulder, giving me that knowinglook.

"We were sharing achair."

"Looked like it was a little more than that, if you ask me." She laughed. She had been doing this to me all day, every time she caught ustogether.

"I was getting burned. He put sunscreen on my back. I mean, what choice did I have? You left me high and dry to hang with mybrother."

"Whatever. I’m sure it wasn’t that bad.” Jen looked off in the distance. “Here come the guysnow."

Both Elliott and Parker had an armful of wood, and each of them carried a blanket for us to sit on. It didn't take them long to get the fire going, as Jen and I spread the blankets out. Elliott sat down behind Jen and pulled her between his legs, letting her rest against him. He kept whispering in her ear, making her giggle, which I found endearing. I watched them while Parker threw more logs onto the fire. After, he sat down behind me, mimicking Elliott and Jen, and I relaxed againsthim.

Jen looked across at me and smiled. I watched as she whispered something into Elliott’s ear, and then elbowing him in the ribs, she stood up and brushed herself off. "We're going to go for a walk down the beach." Jen took hold of Elliott's hand and pulled him up off the blanket. Parker and I watched as they walked off into thedarkness.

"They look like they’re getting along well," Parker whispered into my ear. "Do you think they’ll get together?" His breath tickled my neck as he spoke, and I could feel goose bumpsforming.

"Maybe, but he better not hurt her. She’s been crushing on him since college, even though she won’t admitit."


"How can you saythat?"

"Because so has he," Parker whispered again, his breath dancing along my skin. "And I know someone who's crushing onyou."

I closed my eyes and welcomed the surge of warmth that ran through my body. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck. "You looked super sexytoday."

I didn't know how to respond to that. It had been a long time since someone thought I looked sexy. I looked down the beach in the direction Elliott and Jen had gone, but couldn't see them. Turning, I looked at Parker. As he stared into my eyes, I realized, I hadn't stopped loving him all this time. Events had separated us, but he was right, we would find our way back together. Maybe wewere.

Leaning forward, he placed his mouth on mine, his tongue coaxing my lips apart for a deep kiss. I felt like I was on fire. Warmth pooled between my legs. His hand found its way into my hair while he sucked on my bottom lip and his tongue explored mymouth.

I turned between his legs and got on my knees. He placed both hands beneath my butt, lifting me so I was straddling his lap. We continued kissing, his hands exploring my body. I could feel his hardness through his shorts, and I ground down on him so he was rubbing me in just the rightspot.

"Are you wet for me?" he whispered into mymouth.

I could feel the heat rise to my face. I leaned back and looked him in the eyes. Taking his hand, I placed the drawstring of my shorts between his fingers, giving him permission to find out. A tiny groan escaped his throat. He hesitated at first, then he pulled the string, kissing me as he went. His touch sent little electric shocks through me. He placed his hand on my belly, prepared to slide it inside my shorts, but suddenly, he stilled. We could hear laughter getting closer. I jumped off his lap and sat beside him as he adjusted himself in time for Elliott and Jen to appear out of thedarkness.

"Hey, Parker, you mind giving Tatum a ride home? Jen and I are going to take off," he said, his arm aroundJen.

I looked to Jen and she smiled back atme.

Tags: S.L. Sterling Romance