Page 22 of It Was Always You

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I rolled over onto my stomach. Why was Elliott alwaysright?

"He didn't understand. Heleft."

"Yes, he left, you're right. He couldn't turn down that job. Give the guy a break, Tatum. Just because he went, doesn't mean he didn't understand what you were going through or that he didn't love you. I'm the one who’s been talking to him for the past six months. He missesyou."

"If he misses me so much then why doesn't he callme?"

"You're being unreasonable, Tatum. Do you miss him? Because almost every conversation we have with each other either begins or ends with hisname."

I was being unreasonable, and I knew it. Did I miss him? What a stupid question. I missed everything about thatman.

"Yes," Icried.

Elliott walked forward and threw a piece of paper on my bed then returned to the door. "Do yourself a favor and call him." He pulled the doorshut.

I picked the piece of paper up off the bed and looked at the phone number Elliott had scrawled out. Rolling onto my side, I grabbed my cell phone and stared at the number written on the paper. My stomach began knotting up as my finger hovered over the callbutton.

I couldn't bring myself to do it. I was ashamed of how I'd treated him when we broke up. He deserved better thanme.

The sound of the door opening jarred me out of my memory. I glanced over my shoulder to see Parker step outside. My gaze traveled from his broad, bare shoulders and hard chest to his rock-hard abs, right down to the deep-carved V peeking out of his boxers. I turned my head and rested my chin on my hand. I wasn't ready to face him this morning. At least, notyet.

He came up behind me and rubbed my arms with his strong hands. "Morning,beautiful."

"Morning." I stood up, his arms wrapping around me from behind. He pulled me into his chest. "I hope I didn't wakeyou?"


"I have coffee on. I'll get you a cup." I hurried away, but he grabbed a hold of me before I could get too far, pulling me into himagain.

"There's no rush," he said, finding myeyes.

I pulled out of his grasp, avoiding his gaze, walked to the other side of the deck, and stood fidgeting with the tie on my robe. "I just figured you would want to get going. I mean, I'm sure you have things you need to get done before you go to work today." I felt uneasy. I didn't want him to feel obligated to stay with me. I had, after all, sprung it on him to stay lastnight.

He walked to me and placed his hand over top of mine, shaking the tie from my grasp. "Tatum… What'swrong?"

"Nothing. It's nothing," I said, looking down at the deckfloor.

He placed his finger under my chin and raised my head to look at him. His gaze moving from my eyes to my mouth, he leaned in and brushed my lips with his. Heat curled down my spine and pooled between my legs. Placing one hand on the side of my face, he pulled me into him with the other, deepening the kiss, his tongue finding mine. I could feel his protection in hiskiss.

When he pulled back to look at me, his blue eyes danced in the sunlight. "I'm not going anywhere, baby. I'm here for you. You don't need to be afraid of me leaving or not wanting to be withyou."

It was as if he had read my mind. It was as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders the moment he said thosewords.

Isat at my desk,impatiently waiting for the call. What the fuck was the matter with this guy? He knew he was on a deadline, and now he was late. Being late pissed me off more than anything. I had employed this man to find Tatum, and he was being paid well. I fumbled through the stack of papers in front of me when my phone finally rang. Picking it up, I put the receiver to myear.

"I've done as you instructed. It's her," the voice said over thephone.

"Are you sure? Did you actually seeher?"

"Yes, I saw her. It’sher."

"Did she seeyou?"

"No, sir." The line went quiet. I could hear him clear his throat on the other end. He was nervous, and so he should be. "There's somethingelse."

"What isit?"

"You're not going to like what I have to tellyou."

Tags: S.L. Sterling Romance