Page 15 of It Was Always You

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I could feel the heat rise in my cheeks at the mere thought. "I'm not even going to dignify that question with ananswer."

"That’s what I thought you'd say. It’s okay, though, because I know the trueanswer."

I stood there in the kitchen, biting mylip.

"It's sad that you can't admit the truth to yourself,Tatum."

"Jen, please let thisgo."

"How’s the newplace?"

"Wait until you see it. You’re going to fall in love with it. It couldn't be more perfect. You’re still planning to come down in a month, right?" I questioned while pulling the kettle and a mug from one of the boxes in the kitchen and plugging it in to make a cup oftea.

"Of course, you know I'll be there." Jen got quiet for second and cleared her throat. "Tatum, I don't mean to sound like a broken record," she said, her voice growingserious.

"Then don't." I knew what was coming, and I didn't feel like listening toit.

"Have you talked to Elliott about what happened between Dean andyou?"

I closed my eyes. I wanted nothing more than to forget about him. About all of it—about him hitting me and attacking me in that room and lying to me that night in my apartment. I hadn't even shared that part with Jen because I felt like a fool for thinking he wasn't still cheating onme.

"No, I haven't, and to be honest, I don't plan to. I've moved here to leave that part of my life behind, and that is what I plan to do. Elliott worries about me enough. I think it's unnecessary to add to that worry." I knew her heart was in the right place, but she needed to let it goalready.

"Well, I wasn't going to tell you, but I think you should know. I am almost positive that I saw Dean at the airport when I was leaving. That message he sent you while we were there having coffee? He was watching us. Has he messaged you since youarrived?"

I was losing my patience. I knew she cared about me, and I was trying to keep that in mind. "I promise you, if he contacts me in any way before I get a new phone, I will tell Elliott. Do you feel better?" I poured the boiling water into my mug and headed into the living room to watchTV.

"I guess. I just hope you really will talk to him. I'm sure you’re tired, so I'm going to let you go. You better call mesoon."

We said our good-byes, and when I hung up, I shut my cell phone off. As I sat watching TV, I couldn't help but feel exposed. The first thing I was doing tomorrow was putting up curtains, I thought to myself, looking out thewindow.

Making sure the front and back doors were locked, I made my way into my bedroom and crawled into bed. The noises were strange in the house. The fact that I had no curtain over the sliding door in my bedroom was driving mecrazy.

Getting up out of bed, I took my old comforter and hung it up over the old curtain rod that was still attached to the wall. Feeling a little more secure with the small change, I crawled back into bed and nodded off tosleep.

Igrabbed my wet towel,shoved it into my bag and headed out of the changing room. I had hit the weights hard today. I needed to release some work stress, but most importantly, I needed to rid my mind of that sexy little thing I had picked up yesterday. That sexy little thing had caused me to toss and turn all night. She was all I could thinkof.

As I walked up to the front desk, my gaze immediately fell on Tatum. She sat at Don's desk, her hand under her chin, looking very annoyed. Don had gone through pretty much every woman in this gym since he had started working here and loved nothing more than newmeat.

I dropped my bag on the ground beside her. She jumped and her hand went to her throat as she whirled around. She seemed to relax when her eyes finally met mine, and she gave me a fullsmile.

"Are you getting a membershiphere?"

"I am. Do you work out here aswell?"

"I do. Been here about three years I guess. Is Don looking after you here?" I questioned, giving Don a glare. I could tell from the look in his eyes that he had been up to his usual shit, and I knew he was afraid of me, so letting him know that I knew her pretty much guaranteed he'd stay away. "Make sure you give her mydiscount."

Don nodded and keyed something into thecomputer.

"That isn't necessary," she said toDon.

He looked up at me and excused himself from thedesk.

I sat down beside her. "I stopped here because I wanted to make sure Don wasn't trying to sweep you off yourfeet."

"My God! You're as bad as my brother! I can take care of myself, Parker." She fidgeted in herseat.

"I never said you couldn't. Listen, I'm free until two. How about we grab a coffee as soon as you’re donehere?"

Tags: S.L. Sterling Romance