Page 16 of It Was Always You

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Tatum nodded at the idea, and once the papers were all signed, we headed over to the coffeeshop.

"Two iced coffeesplease."

While I stood waiting for our drinks, I couldn't help looking over at Tatum. She was so cute in her sunflower sundress. It accentuated all the right places. She was still so attractive, and I couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like to kiss those lips. I watched as she ran her hand through her hair, her soft blonde locks falling back into place. How I longed to run my hands through thathair.

"Sir? Sir, yourcoffees."

I turned and took the coffees from the girl behind the counter. "Thanks."

I sat down beside Tatum and held her coffee in front of her. Reaching to take it from me, her fingers touched mine, sending a warm feeling straight to my groin. "Hope you like it. It’s one of my favorites—a coconut icedcoffee."

I watched her mouth as she took a sip, her hazel eyes closing and opening with delight. I hoped one day I would be the one to make her light up likethat.

"That's really good. Thank you. It's been a long while since I had an iced coffee. So fill me in on what’s gone on with you in the past eightyears."

"Not much. Just work really. Police work is a pretty lonely life—lots of overtime here. I became a training officer a couple of years after I was hired. After working uniform for a few years, I was transferred to the undercover unit. Of all people, Elliott was actually my first trainee in that unit, and now we arepartners."

She looked down at her mug, and I caught a hint of sadness in her eyes. "If it's a lonely life, then I'm glad I didn't join you," she whispered, still looking down. "I take it your wife spends a lot of time alone then?" She looked up at me, and I saw the question dancing in hereyes.

My gaze traveled down her body, noticing the light bruising on both her biceps, and I frowned. Where had she gotten those from? Elliott was right, something definitely was going on, and she wasn't talking. I wanted to ask but thought it best Ididn't.

"Actually, I never ended up gettingmarried."

"Well, then your girlfriend must hate being alone all thetime."

"No girlfriend either, Tatum," I said, looking away. "After you, I felt it was easier to stay single. Less hurt that way." With that admittance, I avoided hereyes.

I felt her hand on mine and looked up to see her watching me. She rubbed my hand and squeezed. "I'm sorry, Parker. I needed time. It was too much, too fast. Everything was changing. If I can be honest, sometimes I wonder if maybe I should have given us more time. Things might be differentnow."

I could tell she meant every word. "What about you? Are you seeinganyone?"

"I was dating this guy, but I broke it off with him. There were too many differences between us. But I'm sure Elliott told you all aboutit."

"He did mention something about it. What made you decide to move down here?" Again the sadness flashed in her eyes. I didn't want her to dwell on thatass.

"Well, my luck got worse. The same week we broke up, I was permanently laid off from my job. I was supposed to be coming down to visit, but with nothing really holding me there, I decided that a change of scenery might be best for me. I made a call to Elliott and told him I was going to move down, and here Iam."

She took another sip of her coffee and set the cup down on the table. My gaze fell to her arm again, and I gently ran my hand over the bruises. "How did you getthese?"

I watched her shift uncomfortably in her seat. Just from the look in her eyes, I could tell she didn't want to talk about it, but I wanted toknow.

"They’re nothing. Don’t worry about it." She brushed my handaway.

"They don't look like nothing. This is why you flinched when I grabbed your arm the other day at the airport, isn'tit?"

"Don't worry about these," she said, nodding toward her arms. "They really arenothing."

"If they are nothing, then why not tell me how you gotthem?"

Her gaze went directly to the cup in front of her and stayed there. I could see her eyes start to fill with tears. I didn't mean to sound as if I was questioning her, but fuck, I was sure this guy had put his hands on her! For whatever reason, it never took me long to pick up on an abused woman. And for reasons I will never understand, they always covered for these deadbeats. I was trying to remain calm and not get agitated with her. I was afraid she was going to get pissed off with me, and that was the last thing I wanted. I wanted her to know she could talk tome.

"Can I ask you aquestion?"

She slowly nodded her head but kept her eyes on thetable.

"Are you okay? Please tell me he is leaving you alone and that you aren't actually running fromhim."

She chewed the side of her mouth, and a dark look came over her. A single tear ran down her cheek. Reaching across the table, I wiped away the stray tear with my thumb. I wanted to make it all go away for her, but I couldn't even begin to help her if she wouldn’t talk to me. I waited for a response, but she saidnothing.

Tags: S.L. Sterling Romance