Page 14 of It Was Always You

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"Elliott this is perfect!" I said, wrapping my arms around him. "I loveit!"

"Well, if you love it from seeing it out here, I’m sure you will love the inside." He grinned, letting me go and waving to Parker. "Hey, man, thanks for picking her up." Elliott walked over and got my bag and purse from the back seat of Parker'struck.

I stood and watched from a distance as Parker declined coming in. He said his good-byes to Elliott, gave a wave, one hell of a sexy smile to me, and pulled away from the curb. A part of me was kind of glad that Parker didn't stay. The man was walking sex. From the moment I had laid eyes on him in the airport, I was instantly wet. I couldn't stop wondering what it would be like to lay beneath him and feel the weight of his body on mine. He even smelled the same. I watched as Parker droveaway.

Elliott stood in front of me, looking in the same direction. "I hope that wasn't too uncomfortable foryou?"

I shrugged. "It was a little, but I got through it. It was nice to seehim."

Elliott put his hand on my back and turned to guide me toward the house. "Are you ready to go in and see your new place? The movers arrived yesterday, so everything is here." Elliott led the way into the house, carrying mybag.

It was a two-bedroom house with a decent-sized living room and a galley kitchen—more than enough space for me. I had planned on doing some writing and decided to use the smaller of the two bedrooms for an office. The bedroom and living room had a sliding door leading out to the back deck overlooking the bay. It would be a perfect place to drink my morning coffee and get some sun. My bedroom held my king-size bed perfectly. This house couldn't be moreperfect.

"Elliott, I loveit."

"Great, I’m glad. Did you want to get out and grab a bite? I could take you to get some groceries as well before I headhome.”

"Sounds great! I'm starving." I washed up and grabbed my purse, and then locked the door behind me as we headed to get somefood.

Elliott had dropped me offaround nine, after helping me in with my groceries. Once he was gone, I noticed how quiet the house was. I stopped putting everything away. I needed some type ofnoise.

Elliott had spent some time hooking up the TV in the living room and bedroom, so I went and put the TV on. I heard my cell go off in my purse and realized I hadn't checked my messages all day, which meant I hadn't sent Jen a text to let her know I had arrived safely. She was going to be freakingout.

Grabbing my phone, I typed my password in, and another message from Dean flashed across my screen. My shoulders tensed as I readit.


I felt sick. I wanted no reminders of him at all, so I erased all his messages from my phone and typed out a message to Jen. My phone started ringing seconds later, and Jen’s face popped up on myscreen.

"Thanks for messaging. I've been worried sick about you. How's everything?” she blurted as soon as I pickedup.

"Hey, Jen! Yeah, I'm sorry about that. It's been a long, busyday."

"How was the flight? Did Elliott pick you up ontime?"


"What do youmean?"

I let out a tiny laugh. "Elliott didn't pick me up. Parkerdid."

"Well, well, well. Is he like you remembered or did he get all fat and ugly?" I could hear the laughter in hervoice.

"Does it really matter?" I grew quiet. He had bulked up considerably since the last time I had seen him. I remembered the way his T-shirt stretched across his muscles. My center began throbbing at thethought.

"Really, you know, I was thinking…you guys were always so good together. We all thought you should have gone with him when he moved, evenElliott."

I frowned. "What are you saying,Jen?"

"I just think that it's never too late to give something another try? Is heavailable?"

Inwardly, I winced. I'd always known our breakup was a mistake. But to find out your best friend and your brother agreed didn't make iteasier.

"Jen, I told you I didn't come down here to get involved with anyone. So it doesn't matter if he is available ornot."

Jen knew me well—too well—and I was sure she already knew I didn't mean the words I had justsaid.

"So are you telling me that if he made a move on you, you would turn himdown?"

Tags: S.L. Sterling Romance