Page 5 of Royce's Fate

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“How? How can you make this right?” I tried to catch my breath to calm down, but I was in shock. I’d been telling myself and the baby since the confirmation that I was pregnant that she wasn’t mine, but now the doctor was telling me she was.

“First thing first, Ms. Boggs; the father of your child wants to meet with you to try to figure out where to go from here. Are you agreeable to that?”

The father of my child… I was a virgin. My hymen was no longer intact from the insemination, but I never had sex. I was waiting for someone special to start my life with and have kids with. This surrogacy was supposed to be a steppingstone to the rest of my life, not change the entire course of it.

Chapter Four


I left the lawyer’s office and went directly to the clinic. They said she was there and waiting for me to arrive, so I wasted no time getting in my car and heading that direction. This was going to be an uncomfortable meeting. I had the paperwork drawn up for her to sign away her rights.

My lawyer would deliver the lawsuit to the clinic as soon as I gave the word. The first thing I needed to do was get the woman to sign the documents, then I’d work on the damn clinic suit.

“Mr. Cavanaugh.” There was a nurse at the front desk, different from the one that was here the day I came in to fill out paperwork and give my sperm for the insemination. “Follow me.”

She led me down the hallway toward a room. I was still angry and frustrated at the way everything worked out. It was one giant clusterfuck. I ran my hand through my hair and took a deep breath when she stopped at an examination room on the right.

“She’s in here, but she’s nervous and only just learned that instead of being a surrogate that she was actually inseminated, and her own egg was part of the pregnancy. She’s young and scared, so please, dial back on the scowl. This wasn’t her plan any more than it was yours.”

“No, it was your facility’s screw up.”

“You’re right, but there’s a pregnancy that has to be dealt with one way or another. We will see how it goes.”

“You said young… how young?”

“You’ll have to ask her, Mr. Cavanaugh.”

I nodded, and the nurse pushed the door open to let me inside. The first thing I saw when I walked in was her head bowed and a screen of long, dark chocolate tresses screening her face. Her skirt was longer than what was fashionable, hitting just below her knees. She had on a pair of flat feminine shoes that made her look like a dancer. Classy was what came to mind.

When she looked up, her face was pinkened from crying, but it was her thick, plush, kissable, dick sucking lips that had my heartbeat picking up and my dick coming to life.

“How old are you?” I growled at her. I couldn’t help it. I had to verify for myself that the clinic didn’t knock up a kid. Hell, she still looked like a kid. That thought made me wince with my earlier thoughts about her lips.

“Eighteen.” Her voice was soft and lyrical. She was sweet and ripe, and God, so damn young. Why the hell would she want to be a surrogate so young?

“Leave us,” I said to the nurse. She was standing by the door, but I refused to look at her. She didn’t move immediately. When I saw my beauty nod slightly, I knew the nurse was waiting for her permission to be alone with me. Points for the nurse, but not as many as the facility lost with this whole mess-up in the first place.

When I heard the door close softly, I moved to the chair across from the table she was sitting at. “What’s your name, Sweetheart?”

“Narina.” She licked her lips nervously; her eyes were red rimmed and still glassy from her tears.

“Narina.” I liked the sound of her name rolling off my tongue. “Pretty name. I’m Royce.” I had no idea what to say to her. She was as much of a victim in the situation as I was and asking her to sign over the rights to our child made me feel like an asshole of epic proportions. Plus, I was shocked to find I wanted her.

My dick has been hard since the second I saw her. Part of me wanted to pick her up, carry her to my car, and keep her forever. The other part of me recognized that she was scared and needed protection from the world right now.

What I wouldn’t give to hear her call me “Daddy.” Just the thought of her soft voice whispering that word to me had me nearly coming in my pants. She looked so damn sweet and innocent, and I wanted to do dirty things to her that would probably scare her to death.

I wanted her more than I’ve ever wanted any other woman in my life. I gave up the search a long time ago of finding the woman I was meant to be with. But this girl... this barely legal little girl, called to the daddy in me, and fate had stepped in, handing her to me on a silver fucking pregnant platter.

Chapter Five


Wow was my first thought when he walked in the door and I saw him. I cried my eyes out while waiting for him to get there. I was stressed and so confused. After throwing up a few more times, I was weak and unsure of whether I could even make it home at this point. I’d need to take another cab, which was more money that I didn’t want to spend.

Royce was beautiful. He was thickly muscled, and his dark blonde hair was longer on top than on the sides. He had a scruffy face that gave him a harder, edgier look. From what I’d seen in New York so far, men were mostly clean shaven. Not him though. He looked more like a man from back home in Almont.

“You okay?”

Tags: Annelise Reynolds Romance