Page 13 of Royce's Fate

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“What’s wrong?” I walked into the bathroom to find her on the toilet.

“Oh my God, get out.” She hid herself from my view as a blush covered her face.

“Sweetheart, I had my tongue in you last night. I know you’re flesh and blood and that you have to use the restroom.”

“Okay, so that’s like a we’ve been dating for at least a few years thing, not an I met you yesterday thing, Royce.”

“I’ve got three months to convince you to marry me. We will have to fast track a few things.” I laughed because she was so cute, it was when I stretched that I noticed her eyes raking over my body. My dick was still hard enough to pound a damn nail.

“Like what you see, baby?” I asked her as I moved closer to her.

She nodded shyly and looked away. “Finish up, sweetheart, and come back to bed. Daddy wants to play with your pussy again.”

She turned another shade of red, but I left her in the bathroom to finish up in peace. She probably needed a few minutes to get herself together, so I went to the other restroom to relieve myself and made my way back to the bedroom. Narina was sitting on the bed with the blanket wrapped around her waist.

“I don’t know where my clothes are,” she whispered.

“They’re in the foyer, but you don’t need them right now. They would just get in the way.”

“I should really go to class this morning,” she said, her eyes skirting over my body as I slowly moved toward her.

“It’s just one day, sweetheart. You need the rest. Yesterday was rough, and you have to take care of you and the baby.”

“But I won’t hear the lectures if I don’t go, and if I don’t go, I can’t record them either.”

“So? You have all your books, right?”

She was silent for a moment. “Yes. I have the books.”

“So, you’ll be okay.”

She sighed and shook her head. “I barely got into school, Royce. I have dyslexia, so reading is a struggle for me—a bad struggle. I get migraines if I try to force it too hard, and half the time I read I can’t retain it. I learn from listening, which is why I record the lectures and why it’s so important for me to be there.”


“Is that how you ended up lost in Harlem?”

“Yes. I’d just got done studying at a coffee shop someone recommended, and my head was starting to hurt from straining. I took the wrong train, and the rest is as they say, history.”

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly, “You may miss your first class, but we’ll get you to your other ones. Go grab a shower, I’ll bring your clothes.”

Her face lit up when she gave me a huge smile. My dick would have to wait, but hopefully after her classes, I could finally claim her as mine.

Chapter Eleven


Royce was sitting next to me in class, and I saw the looks he got from some of the other girls. Part of me wanted to sit up straighter and smugly say he was mine, but I just ignored it like he seemed to be doing.

Thankfully, I was recording because like yesterday with that phone call on my mind, today the man beside me was a distraction. I’d gone through the first two classes okay, but by the third, memories of what he had done to me in my dorm room the night before kept playing in my head. What he wanted to do to me this morning excited and thrilled me.

He was dominant, protective, and caring just like a Daddy should be. A Daddy. I liked thinking of him that way. He didn’t mind my addiction to anything the color pink, and he even put Puff Piggie on his bed for me. Was there more to this Daddy thing that I didn’t know I was missing?

I liked how in tune he seemed to be with me. Last night, he’d taken care of my needs and ignored his own. This morning, he’d seen that I was taken care of and got to school as quickly as possible. When I was in the shower, he dressed and made me a small breakfast of eggs and fruit. He seemed to genuinely like taking care of me, and I wanted to do the same for him.

I got out my notebook and wrote down a quick note to him.

Is there a divider in the limo?

Tags: Annelise Reynolds Romance