Page 28 of Daddy, May I?

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Hunter reached into one of the few cabinets I hadn’t opened. There was a mini fridge built into one side, and the other was filled with snacks. I watched as he grabbed a juice box and some crackers for me.

“Eat up, Angel. It’s going to be a long night.”


Iwas tired and grumpyby midnight. I hadn’t had much sleep the night before because Hunter and I couldn’t keep our hands off each other for long. Even in our sleep, we gravitated to each other.

Once I felt his skin against mine, I wanted more, and so did he. Hunter mainly watched over the couples in the room. There weren’t many couples in the nursery, and very few stayed for a long time. Most came in for a few hours and left.

After about the third yawn, Hunter came to my side and lifted me in his arms. He carried me over to the adult-sized crib that hadn’t been used.

“I’m not sleepy, Daddy. I can wait until we get home,” I muttered as he lowered me into the crib.

“Sure you are, Angel. That’s why you’ve yawned three times in the last ten minutes.”

“I don’t want to sleep.”

“I know, but you’re going to. Now you can lie down now without me bending you over my knee and spanking you until you burn for more, or you can lie down now and when we get home, I’ll take care of you and tuck you in right. What’s it going to be?”

Tucking me in right, though a spanking sounded nice.I bit my lip, trying to decide which way I wanted to play this. I decided I could use a nap, and perhaps maybe we could explore the other stuff later when we were home alone.

Home. I sighed, smiling as I lay down. Hunter was my home.

Chapter 15


She looked like anangel. My eyes kept straying over to the woman of my dreams who was curled up in the crib, hugging a pillow like she hugged her zebra when she was relaxing on the couch.

Charley looked so peaceful laying there, and I felt a pang of guilt for keeping her up all night the night before. She needed her rest and not my insatiable desire all the time. Since I brought her home, I haven’t been able to leave her alone.

Before I met Charley, it had been a while since I had been with any woman because something was missing. It was her. No other woman could make me feel this deep-seated need inside me to protect, to cherish, to want, and to love.

“Come on, Angel.” I gently lifted her into my arms. I’d cleaned the rest of the room already, and Martin told me he would take care of the crib.

She didn’t even stir in my arms as I carried her through the now quiet club. Most of the staff were dispersing to go home after cleaning their stations. Mitch was behind the bar, closing out the registers and dividing the wait staff’s tips.

Tags: Annelise Reynolds Erotic