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“Yeah…Everett, we did.”

Leighton’s sweet smile flashes through my mind. Her writhing underneath me yesterday after we decided to finally take that step that both of us have wanted for far too long. Her whispering in my ear that she loved me just as she came around my cock. I wouldn’t fuck that up. “No. I…I wouldn’t have done that. There’s no way.”

“Really? A naked woman in bed with you, and you’d turn it down?”

“Unless you miraculously became Leighton, yeah. I would have,” I growl, and her eyebrows shoot to her hairline.

“You were cheating on me with her, weren’t you?”

“What the fuck was your first clue?” I snap. I’m lashing out and I know it. I’m angry. Livid. Pissed. Not to mention violently hungover. I wanted to destroy everyone because I know the second Leighton learns the truth it will destroy us both.

She lets her head fall and shakes it slowly and I start to regret blurting out my confession. “I’m so stupid.”

“You’re not stupid, Alli. You’re just not her.”

“Well, clearly last night your dick didn’t care.”

Bile rises in my throat and I swallow it down. No. I wouldn’t cheat on Leigh. Never. I pull my shirt on and grab my jacket. “Fuck this. I don’t believe you.” I shake my head and run a hand through my hair.

“What?” She purses her lips.

I put a hand on my forehead to try and quiet the roaring headache that’s getting worse by the second. “That we fucked? I don’t buy it.”

“I mean it’s kind of obvious, Everett. I think you’re in denial.”

“I wouldn’t…I couldn’t do that to her.” I hear the pleading in my voice, and I wonder who I’m trying to convince. Her or me.

Fire burns in her eyes and if looks could kill, I’d be a dead man. “But you could do it to me?” She scoffs and rolls her eyes. “You know what? This nice guy shit you put on is all an act. So maybe you should drop it now.” She climbs off the bed without a stitch of clothing and pulls on a t-shirt. “Now, get out of my house.”

Tags: Q.B. Tyler Campus Tales Romance