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“We really shouldn’t keep doing this, Leigh.”

I watch as he pulls his jeans up over his pelvis, successfully blocking me from the glorious dick that was just inside me no more than four minutes ago. I stretch my naked body that’s still sprawled out on my bed and rake my eyes over my best friend.

“But it’s fun.” I giggle and he glares at me. “Oh, come on, Everett, lighten up.” I crawl across the bed to where he’s sitting and rest my head on his muscular shoulder. “Why are you so tense lately? This about your chemistry class?”

“No.” He grunts and stands up. “We are dating other people, Leighton. It’s not fair to either one of them.”

I fall back on the blankets and roll my eyes. “Hardly. You don’t love her, and I’m literally only dating Adam because he does my statistics homework.”

“That’s not the point, Leigh.” He runs a hand through his blonde hair, the curls wild and tousled in direct response from me pulling it while his mouth was between my thighs.

I hop off the bed and follow his hand through his hair, pushing it to the side like I love it and know he secretly does too. “Then what is the point? She won’t even put out.” I blink my ash colored eyes at him several times to drive my point home. I put out. I’ve been putting out. For what feels like one hundred years.

Okay four, but whatever.

Everett and I have been best friends since we were in fourth grade and he beat up a fifth grader for pulling my pigtails. He proceeded to walk me home every day for the rest of the year so no one would mess with me, and from then on, we were inseparable. And then six years later, our genitals became inseparable.

We’re now in our junior year of college at Camden Graf in Washington D.C. after we both flew the coop of our small town in Arizona. My parents told me that I could only go this far if Everett came too, so we spent our entire senior year in high school studying—and not just each other’s anatomy—and both of us received early acceptance.

But now at almost twenty, Everett and I are still doing the same shit, different day, and evidently, he’s developed a guilty conscience.

Never mind that he got that blonde nightmare of a girlfriend first. What was I supposed to do? Sit around and watch them make out? I needed something…well, someone to pass the time until he got bored of her. Just like in high school when he dated Arianna Drake. The most popular girl in school, head cheerleader, Prom Queen—it was all so cliché I could scream.

But, to my surprise, Everett came to me after every date he had with her so I could erase her scent. This went on for all of three months before they broke up. He didn’t date anyone our freshman or sophomore years of college, as we were basically glued at the hip, literally, with this newfound freedom of no curfew and being able to sleep in the same bed or be in each other’s room with the door closed. Everett’s roommate had an older girlfriend who lived off campus, so he was rarely there, which meant I basically became Everett’s honorary roommate. And now, junior year, we both live off campus with our own bedrooms.

His blue eyes dart to mine, and I know by the size of his pupils that he’s getting irritated with me. “I’m sorry I even fucking told you that,” he growls and I purse my lips at his hostile comment. Lips that I know are swollen and red from his constant biting.

Everett Cartwright is the golden boy. The all-American lacrosse star, Prom King and social butterfly—can we call guys butterflies?Whatever, he’s perfect. He does charity work… somewhere…and always tries to do the right thing. Everett, who is not only cheating on his equally perfect girlfriend, but doing so with his not so perfect best friend who he likes to bite and choke and fuck within an inch of her life.

“Because you tell me everything.” I grab his ass as I walk across my room to pull on one of his lacrosse t-shirts.

“Is that mine?” He pulls his sweatshirt on over his torso giving me a tiny glimpse of his delicious V cut when his t-shirt rides up.

I look down and then up at him. “Yeah?”

“Why do you have it?”

“I don’t know. I liked it.” I shrug.

“Don’t wear that around Alli.” He grunts and I roll my eyes. “She already thinks we’re fucking.”

“Well, we are.”


“Sure, Cartwright.” I pull my long, dark brown hair into a high ponytail. Hair that is now a complete rat’s nest due to Everett’s incessant pulling. Hair that Everett has told me on numerous occasions how much he loves. I’d caught him on many occasions submerging his face in my locks and breathing in my scent like it was his oxygen mask. I’d thought about cutting it, but Everett had gotten on his knees and begged—both with his words and an orgasm—to keep it long. So, now my hair is a few inches shy of my waist.

“I’m serious, we shouldn’t keep doing this. It’s not fair to Alli or… Adam.” He spits out his name like it tastes horrible.

“Why do you say his name like that?” I tuck a stray hair behind my ear as I power up my laptop to start my philosophy paper.

I meet his gaze just as anger flashes across them. “He’s all wrong for you, Leigh.”

“I know that. Did you hear the part about my statistics homework? It’s not like I have you to cheat off of anymore. You had to go and take stats last year,” I whine.

“I told you to take it with me. But we’re getting off topic.”

“What’s the topic?”

Tags: Q.B. Tyler Campus Tales Romance