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It’s been about twenty minutes since my parents left, and I frown when Landon’s phone goes to voicemail again. Normally, I’m not one to leave messages, but I don’t want him doing anything reckless like setting his career on fire, and my texts aren’t going through.

“Hi, it’s me…I’m not sure why your phone is off, but I’m going to come over. I talked to my parents, and I just…I want to see you. My dad isn’t going to say anything to anyone at work, so don’t…think you have to do damage control or take any preventative measures. Please call me though, okay? I love you.”

Why would his phone be off? He has a car charger.A shiver runs down my spine as I fear the worst but immediately shake my head.

Landon is fine.

But then, where is he?

I hop in the shower, in hopes to scrub the day off me as much as possible, and when I get out, I immediately pull my hair up into a wet bun. I forego any makeup and slip my glasses on before pulling on jeans and a UConn hoodie. I grab my purse and collect a few things that I don’t already have at Landon’s and open the door to the guest house where I almost run right into Skyler on the way to my car. “Hey, what are you doing? Where’s Aidan?”

“Oh, he…went to check out of his hotel.” I look behind her and notice Dad standing in front of his car.

“Cool, you guys going somewhere? I’m going to go to Landon’s, so feel free to shack up at my place. Just change the sheets.” I giggle as I think about Skyler and Aidan definitely wanting privacy and to be able to do what they want without fear of our parents hearing them.

“No, Rena…Landon’s ex-wife called…again.” A solemn expression crosses her face and she looks like she’s about to deliver bad news.

“Ugh.” I scoff. “What does she want now? Hasn’t she done enough damage for the day? God, give it a rest.” I sigh. “You know what? I don’t care what she said. She’s a bitter bitch that’s going to end up alone.”

“No, Rena…she’s still listed as his emergency contact…” Tears flood her eyes, and for Skyler to be crying, that is big.

“Oh my God. What…what happened?”

“There was an accident and from what she told Dad, he’s okay…” I see her mouth moving, but all I hear is white noise. My ears are ringing so loudly and I’m suddenly freezing, and I wonder if I’m going into shock, but then my feet are propelling me forward. “Come on, Rena, Dad is going to take us to the hospital.”

The entire ride is a blur. I’m only vaguely aware that Skyler is sitting next to me in the backseat and her hand is clasped with mine. She rests her head on my shoulder and squeezes my hand as we take our exit. “I’m sorry you hate me, Rena. I know we have our issues, but I love you so much, even though we drive each other crazy. You’re the only sister I’ve got.”

I look down as we pull into the hospital parking lot. “I don’t hate you, Skyler. And Landon has shown me that I have so much love to give. I’ve blamed you for things that aren’t your fault and I’m sorry. I love you, little sister.” I squeeze her once and then I’m out of the car before it’s fully in park, moving towards the entrance. I sprint for the receptionist’s desk the second I’m through the revolving doors. “Landon West…he…car accident.” I swallow as I try to get my words together.

“Are you family?” She looks down at her file and then up at me.

“Ummm no…I…” I stammer. They’re not going to let me see him? I almost break down into a fit of sobs, prepared to beg when I feel my father’s hand on my shoulder.

“He advised the EMT’s on the scene to contact Serena, my daughter. Due to restrictions on his phone, they probably couldn’t retrieve her number and could only get his emergency contacts which would be one, Jana West, his soon to be ex-wife. She’s out of the state, and contacted myself, his lawyer.” My dad’s lawyer mode speaks volumes. He’s trying to help, Serena.

Good. If he hadn’t thrown Landon out…

Don’t go there. It’s not his fault.

“Right, okay.” She looks down at her files. “Take the elevator to the fourth floor and push through two sets of double doors. You’ll see a nurse’s station just off to the left. Someone there will be able to help you.”

The ride to the fourth floor and the walk through the hospital halls seem like almost an eternity before I see the nurse’s station. “Hi, please,” I plead, “I don’t want the runaround. I just want to see my boyfriend…Landon West. Is he here?”

“Oh yes, are you Serena? Please tell me you are.” The nurse, who reminds me of my grandma—short, with glasses that hang around her neck and silver curls that would make her a shoo-in for a Golden Girls remake—grabs my hand as I nod my head. “My, look how pretty you are.”

“Th—thank you,” I stammer. “Is he…”

“He’s going to be fine, honey.” She pats my hand and looks at Skyler and my father. “You two can wait here. I’m going to take his girl back to see him now.”

“Can you tell me what happened?” I ask as I wipe my nose on my sweatshirt. It’s only now that I remember how I’m dressed and that I probably look like I’m twelve years old. Great.

“A car collided with his passenger side door. The other car ran a stop sign, but I think Mr. West was on the phone. You kids and these phones, I swear. He’s going to be just fine, dear. He’s awake, and although he has a mild concussion he’s not exhibiting most of the usual signs. He’s a little tired and weak but that’s normal. He’s got some cuts and bruises, but nothing your kisses won’t fix.” She rubs my arm, giving me a warm smile, and I half expect her to send me in with some tea and cookies. “He’s been asking for you since he got here.”

“Thank you.” I give her a hug, surprising even myself, and make my way into the private room. He turns his head to meet my eyes instantly, and I run towards the bed. “Oh my God.” There’s a bandage covering most of his forehead and purple bruising surrounding his right eye. He has a few cuts on his cheek and chin and I note bandages on his neck and on both arms but other than that he looks perfect.

“Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.”

“Don’t you ever do this to me again!” I grab his hand and pull it to my cheek before placing a kiss on his knuckles.

Tags: Q.B. Tyler Campus Tales Romance