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“Serena…” My father grabs my hand and holds it between his. “I’ve loved you your whole life. I’m sorry we haven’t had the best relationship, but I hope you don’t think it’s because I don’t love you or I don’t care. I thought you interning at the firm would bring us closer together…”

“I thought so too, but… I rarely saw you.”

“I know. It was…a shitty few months. I’m sorry, Serena. I am so sorry.”

I nod, not knowing what to say. I hadn’t anticipated this level of humility and vulnerability from my dad when he knocked on the door, but when I look up at my mom and she gives me a subtle wink, I should have known better.

My mother is always in my corner, even when I don’t know she’s there.

“Listen about Landon…I can’t promise, that I’m going to just suddenly be okay with it—”

“And that’s fine,” my mother interrupts. “The point is we’re going to put forth the effort to be there for you and support your decisions as a grown woman. You are wise beyond your years, Serena, and we are sorry if we ever took that for granted.” She tucks some hair behind my ear and kisses my cheek.

The tears have formed in my eyes but haven’t made their way down my face, so my vision is blurry, and I wipe my eyes for the hundredth time. But these tears are the cathartic release that I’ve needed my entire life and certainly after the stressful last three months. I knew eventually we were going to have to come clean, and my father’s potential reaction had been weighing heavily on my mind.

But now everything is out in the open.

No more hiding.

No more secrets.

We are free.

Tags: Q.B. Tyler Campus Tales Romance