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I let out a breath. If she told her sister, that means she must still want me, right? I know her relationship with her sister is weird, but I also know she’s still honest with her. “How is she?”

She purses her lips and leads me into the kitchen. “She misses you.”

“I—” I start when another woman enters the room and I freeze, gathering that this must be Skyler’s mother. Warm brown eyes meet mine and a smile pulls at the corner of her mouth as she looks me over.

“Oh. Hello. I didn’t realize we had company. Rena, you can’t give me any notice? I would have made a lasagna. Sinceramente, Bella.” Honestly, Bella.

“She calls you both Bella?” I ask Serena. She scoffs and puts a hand up.

“I was Bella, first. I’m the original Bella.” She turns to her Mother. “I didn’t know he was coming, Mama. He’s here for Skyyyyyyler.” She hops on the marble counter and swings her legs like she’s ready to watch a show.

Skyler’s mother furrows her brow and looks up at me. “Oh mio!” Oh my! She puts a hand over her chest. “E’vecchio.” He’s old. I swallow, understanding what she said, and decide now might be the time, to let them know I understand Italian.

“È un piacere conoscerla, signora.” It’s nice to meet you, ma’am. I hold my hand out for hers. Her eyes widen as she extends her hand to me and I kiss it. As soon as I let it go, she wraps her arms around me.

“Oh dio mio, lui è Italiano” Oh my God, he’s Italian!

“Right, so stop talking about him,” Serena laughs as Mrs. Mitchell lets me go.

“I’m not Italian, I just found the language fascinating, so I took it in high school and college and studied abroad in Italy in college.”

She looks at me like I’ve just told her the secrets of the universe. “Wow. Well, sit sit, are you hungry?”

“No…well, I…” I look from where she appeared from, wondering where the other Mitchell lady is.

“She’s on a run,” Serena answers, as if she can hear my thoughts. “She always runs when she’s…not herself,” she tells me and Mrs. Mitchell gives me a look.

“Are you why my daughter is not…herself?” She looks at me. “You hurt my Bella?”

My heart bangs in my chest. “Not…not in the way you’re thinking,” I tell her. Serena gives me a look that her mother misses and shakes her head. Right, so she doesn’t know the details.

“Do you love her?” her mother asks.


“Do you live in D.C.? Do…do you go to CGU?” I can hear the sentiment behind her words. I understand people go back to school later in life all the time. But something tells me that’s not this story.

Our conversation is halted by a door opening and closing and footsteps coming closer to the kitchen. We are all quiet as Skyler’s sister and mom stare at me, and we all wait for Skyler to enter the room. I hear her getting closer, and then she’s walking through the entryway, but her eyes are fixed on her phone with her headphones in her ear. The kitchen is large and wide and somehow she hasn’t noticed that we’re all staring at her. She looks up and sees her mom first and she pulls her headphones out. “What? Sorry, did you say something?”

“Come on, Mama. Let’s give them some privacy.” Her eyes dart to me and Skyler follows her gaze, dropping her phone with a yelp.

“Holy fu—” Her eyes are wide and her mouth ajar in shock.

“Language, Bella,” her mother says as Serena ushers her out.

“Ai—Aidan? What are you doing here? In Connecticut…in my kitchen?” She looks around and now that her eyes are on me and we are alone in the room, I can take the time to note her delicious workout gear. Tight leggings squeeze her legs and a tiny lime green sports bra covers her perky tits. Her hair is pulled up into a bun, but several strands have escaped and her skin is glistening with sweat. My cock wakes up, seeing her so close and breathing in her scent. She must see the look I’m giving her because she bites her lip. “Aidan, stop looking at me like that.”

“Why?” I take a step towards her. “I think we’ve been over that you are mine. Do you need a reminder?”

“I…I didn’t…” Her voice falters and I take another step towards her, wrapping my hand around her and pulling her into my arms.

“You are mine. Skyler. Forever.” I rub her cheek as the tears well in her eyes. “Sei il grande amore della mia vita.” You are the love of my life. “And I don’t want to live without you in it anymore.”

“Aidan, but…”

“Tell me you feel the same,” I ask her. “Tell me your feelings haven’t changed.” I pull her hand towards me and hold it to my cheek before I press a kiss to her palm.

“Why are you doing this to me?” she cries. “You know we can’t. It’s not fair for you to dangle this in front of me. And then what after Thanksgiving? We go back to the way things were?” The tears are flying down her face and I can’t wait until I can kiss them away.

Tags: Q.B. Tyler Campus Tales Romance