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Fuck, I miss Skyler.

The thought hits me like a ton of bricks every time I think about her. I’ve been actively trying to avoid her and it’s been working out well. I don’t go to the quad, ever, and she deleted her Instagram so I’m not staring at it for several hours a day like I was in the beginning. I’ve only driven by her place once…well, twice. But I hadn’t seen her. I was holding somewhat strong, and then she walked into my class and I almost risked everything. The words were sitting on the tip of my tongue.

Everyone out, except you, I was going to say as I pointed at Skyler.

I had an inkling she had written something on her quiz and I had a moment of happiness that she also missed me. But it was quickly replaced by the fact that nothing mattered. It doesn’t matter that I miss Skyler or that she misses me. I can’t have her.

And then as I read her words for what feels like the hundredth time in an hour, it hits me. It does matter. Skyler’s feelings matter a great deal to me. I love her and I’m not letting her get away.

But there is something I need to do before I could go after her.

It’s the evening before Thanksgiving break when my computer beeps with the sound of an incoming email.

Dr. Reed,

We are thrilled that you’ve decided to join the team. Pending a background check, we look forward to seeing you in the spring.

Dr. Richard Matthews

Dean of Brookdale University School of Law

My heart lurches forward, grateful that my mentor pulled in the favors of his life to get me an accelerated phone interview at one of the top law schools in D.C. My fingers itch to call Skyler to tell her the good news. That this is the end. That we can be together the second the semester is over, but I need to see her face. I need to tell her in person so we can consummate properly. So she would know that I have no plans of ever letting her go again. That I’m all in.

I hit send on my resignation that I’ve drafted up days ago to both Human Resources and Dr. Hendricks before printing out a copy that I will be sliding into their mailboxes tomorrow, complete with my signature.

After winter break, I’m out.

I’m in my office packing up to head home for Thanksgiving break when there’s a knock on my door. “Door’s open.” I know it can’t possibly be a student, as I told them that one on one office hours were over. Not to mention, I don’t know a student alive that isn’t high-tailing it home for break this Friday afternoon. We are one of the few schools that don’t have class at all during Thanksgiving week, giving students a nine-day break.

“Dr. Reed,” I hear from the door and I look up to see Dr. Hendricks standing in the frame, his eyeglasses atop his head and his arms crossed against his sweater vest, “heading home?”

“Yep.” Thanksgiving is huge in the Reed family. Relatives come from all over; my parents host every year. Christmas is more low-key, especially since neither my sister or I have kids, but Thanksgiving is a huge ordeal.

“I got your email.”

I nod. “I left a hard copy in your inbox.”

“You weren’t happy here, son?” He slides his hands into his pockets, and if I didn’t know any better I would say he feels bad about it.

I shoot him a look and shake my head. “It wasn’t that, necessarily.”

“Aidan,” he takes a step into my office and closes the door behind him, “off the record.”

“Off the record?” I contemplate telling him the truth, but I remember I still have another month. “I just don’t think this is the right fit for me.”

“Does this have to do with a student?”

“No,” I answer immediately. Skyler is so much more than just my student. Hell, I wouldn’t call her my student at all. She taught me more than I ever taught her. “The students are great.”

He looks at me for a minute like he’s trying to read me, and I hope I don’t give anything away. “Well, I wish you the best, Doctor Reed, and please let me know if you need a recommendation in the future. You are a great teacher.”

“I appreciate that.” Not that I need it.

“Enjoy your break.”

“Same to you, Doctor Hendricks.”

The drive to Connecticut is slightly shorter than the one to Massachusetts, but not by much. By the time I make it to Connecticut, it’s late and I’m exhausted. My plans to see Skyler tonight changed due to sitting in traffic two separate times on the drive. Now, it’s close to ten and I don’t think that showing up at their house this late is the way to get on Preston Mitchell’s good side.

Tags: Q.B. Tyler Campus Tales Romance