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“More than my next fucking breath.” His lips drag along my neck, and his fingers dig into my hips with every thrust. I know he’s trying to wait for me before he explodes. “You know I need your sexy moans. The way your cunt squeezes me when you orgasm. The way your face twists in pleasure and you whimper out my name. I need your juices slipping out of you and dripping down my dick.”

His words are my undoing and the orgasm hits me out of nowhere. “Oh my God, Aidan!” I scream into his jacket, the fabric muffling my words as he grunts out his climax. I feel his dick pulsing inside me as I imagine jets of cum shooting out of him and into me. For a second, the thought of that cum producing life inside of me sparks and blooms in my chest. I let out a breath as I try and break the sex haze that has me thinking these crazy thoughts.

“Fuck. Skyler, baby.” He rubs his nose against mine and when my eyes flutter open, his are staring into mine. He’s still inside of me, though he’s softened dramatically, and I swallow, wondering if he’s about to say the three words I’ve been dying to say. “You mean so much to me, you know that?” I nod, the force of my orgasm and the intensity of the moment rendering me speechless. “Potrei guardarti tutto il giorno,” he whispers against my lips. I could look at you all day. He pulls out of me slowly and I wince at the loss of contact, and the emptiness I feel has my eyes welling up with tears. I sniffle, drawing his attention back to me after he’s grabbed some tissues from his desk. “What is it, baby? Did I do something?”

“No!” I say quickly. “You’re perfect. This is just…intense. I never thought I would feel like this.” I let out a breath. “I’ve never felt like this.” Aidan’s eyes trace my face and I wonder if he can see what I’m trying to say. He’s privy to my relationship with Gabriel, and he knows that at the time I believed that I was in love. I wonder if he’s pieced it together that I’m in love with him.

“Me neither,” he murmurs and a gasp escapes my lips. He’s been in love once.

For him to say that means he loves me.

My eyes plead with him to speak the words. Say it, Aidan. Let me know this is real.

We stare at each other for I don’t know how long when his phone beeps, breaking us from the moment. My eyes dart to the phone on his desk and I nod at it. He backs up, keeping his eyes on me before he breaks the connection to look at the screen. “Dammit.” He sighs.


“Hendricks wants to see me in his office. I swear that old man is a pain in the ass.”

I giggle and smooth my skirt down. “I should be going anyway. I have an English paper due at the end of the week.”

“What’s it on, want my help?”

I shake my head. “As helpful as you may be on Romeo and Juliet, I think I have it under control.” I laugh and he frowns.

“We aren’t a tragedy, Sky.”

“That’s not what I meant, only the part about not being able to be together, that’s all.”

He nods before tucking a hair behind my ear. “I’ll see you later, tonight?”

“You’ll come over?” I ask, the excitement in my voice at seeing him later overtaking me.

“Nothing could keep me away.” He presses his lips to mine so gently and sweetly I almost combust. My knees weaken and he catches me, wrapping his arm around my back to keep me upright.

My eyes flutter open long after his lips leave mine, the skin still tingling. “I’ll see you later.”

We make our way out of his office and begin towards the main entrance when I spot Doctor Hendricks walking towards us. “Fuck,” I hear him grumble.

“Doctor Reed, I was on my way to your office. I wasn’t sure if you saw my email.”

“I saw it. I was in the middle of office hours,” Aidan says without missing a beat.

“Odd. I thought your hours were from four to six?” The accusation isn’t blatant but I can hear it and I try to appear like my heart isn’t racing.

“Oh, I wasn’t able to make his hours today, and I asked if he could meet after class,” I speak up. Both men look at me and Doctor Hendricks sizes me up the way a father looks at his daughter right before he tells her to go upstairs and change before she can step foot outside the house. The floral scarf wrapped around my neck hides my cleavage but my legs are on display. I’ll admit my skirt is a little short, as I do dress to kill on the days I have Aidan’s class.

Doctor Hendricks nods at me. “I see. And what’s your name, Miss?”

“Skyler Mitchell, sir. I’m a freshman.”

“Ah. Miss Mitchell. Yes, I’m familiar. Your father, Preston Mitchell?”

“One and the same.”

“Well, we are pleased to have you as a part of the Criminal Justice Department.” He gives me a look before turning to Aidan and then back to me. This is the second time he’s seen us together and the way he’s looking at us, it’s a thought not lost on him. Fuck.

“Thank you.” I nod politely before turning to Aidan. “Thank you again for your help, Doctor Reed.” I turn and walk away, all the while thinking that maybe the love story of Aidan and I will be a tragedy after all.

Tags: Q.B. Tyler Campus Tales Romance