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Istare up into the crowd of the sixty students in my Social Justice 101 lecture, trying my best to keep my eyes off of one student in particular. I thought maybe it wouldn’t be so bad having Skyler in my class, but it’s become my own personal hell. When she’s not teasing the fuck out of me, she’s blowing me away with her insight. I thought maybe she’d lie low and avoid speaking in class, but nope, she has an answer for fucking everything, and they are always well thought out and concise. Frankly, I don’t know if the teasing or her arguments make me harder.

“Now, not to sound like anyone’s Dad,” I hear a few groans and even more chuckles, “but I know it’s Halloween this weekend, and I just want to make sure everyone is safe. So… yeah,” I laugh, “don’t do anything I wouldn’t do? Which isn’t much. But…just don’t get yourselves thrown in jail or die. Sound good?” Everyone laughs and I snap my fingers. “Oh, I have your papers.” And I grin, knowing that they were hoping that they could get by without having to see some of their terrible grades.

Truly, some of these papers were garbage.

“I will allow rewrites,” I continue. “Just shoot me an email and we can talk about it. My door is open.” I begin dropping their papers on their desks, and a smile finds my lips when I smell the familiar perfume swirling around me as I approach Skyler. I shoot her a smile and she returns it. I set her paper in front of her before moving on to the rest of the class. Once I’m finished, I move to the front of the room. “Everyone enjoy your weekend, and I’ll see you Monday.” I watch as the students get up and begin to file their way out of the classroom. Most of the girls that usually stay and flirt with me at the end of class have already left, making me wonder if Halloween festivities kick off earlier than when I was in college.

I try to ignore her, but I see one student still planted firmly in her seat, staring down at her paper and I already know what’s coming; I can feel the tension radiating off of her. I know her body better than she does and she. is. pissed. I try to stifle the chuckle as she waits for the entire class to file out before she looks up at me and gives me a look that could kill. I’m not sure what she’s going to do, but I’m prepared for just about everything as she stomps over to my desk.

“What the fuck is this, Aidan?” she growls at me and I steeple my fingers under my chin.

“Excuse me, Miss Mitchell? Is that any way to talk to your professor?”

“Oh, pardon. What the fuck is this, Doctor Reed?” she sasses, and I can tell that she’s not in the mood. I’m going to enjoy fucking with her just a little longer.

“What’s wrong?”

“What’s wrong?! Cut the shit, this isn’t funny. In what world does this paper deserve an F? I’ve never even gotten an F before.” She opens her paper past the cover page. “What is this anyway? My theory was unresearched? Aidan, you asked for twelve sources, I gave you twenty, what the fuck more research do you want?”

“Language, Miss Mitchell.” I don’t know how she hasn’t been able to tell that I was just messing with her, that her real paper is tucked in my briefcase. I had actually thought her paper was brilliant and by far the best in the class.

“Really?” She stomps her foot. “Change my fucking grade, right now, or I’m never blowing you again.”

“Wow. That is a big threat.” I chuckle. “But really, I have to give you the grade I think you deserve.”

“You can’t be serious!” she shrieks and slams her hand down on my desk. “This is bullshit!”

I chuckle, knowing that she’s probably meeting Peyton for lunch so I need to wrap this up before she storms out of here and remains mad at me for the rest of the day. “Skyler,” I stand up. “The F stands for fuck. As in, I cannot wait to fuck you all over every surface of my apartment later.”

“You better not bring your dick anywhere near me if you want it to remain attached to your damn body.”

I wince and shield my balls that almost jump back up for protection. “Ouch, Sky. Is that any way to talk to the man that made you come four times last night? And twice this morning?”

She takes a step back and frowns. “I’m mad at you, don’t try and seduce me.”

“Baby,” I chuckle, “this isn’t your real paper.” I shake my head before reaching into my briefcase. “This is your real paper.” I watch as she looks at the new paper and the bright red A on the front page. “You might be the best sex of my life but you’re also the brightest student I’ve ever encountered. Your paper was phenomenal, Skyler.”

Her eyes flit up to mine and a smile plays at her lips. “Really?” Her eyes are bright and full of wonder, and for the first time in a while I’m reminded of her age.

She’s nineteen. I’m thirty-two.

It doesn’t seem like a huge difference, and maybe one day it wouldn’t be, but right now it feels huge.

One day.

The words blare in my head like a neon light.

I swallow and shake the wayward thoughts, knowing that nothing is going to keep me from her, especially not our age gap.

“Really. If I thought I could keep my hands off of you long enough for us to get any work done, I’d hire you as a research assistant.” She smiles brightly and I shake my head. “No, Skyler.”

“Fine,” she grumbles. “But no one from your fan club either.”

“My fan club?”

“You know who. The group of girls that swarm you after every class and beg for your attention.” She puts both of her papers in her bag and hoists it over her shoulder.

“Hmmm, so are you the president of this fan club?”

Tags: Q.B. Tyler Campus Tales Romance