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“Just one more time, please?”

He crosses the length of his office until he’s standing before me. “One more time isn’t enough.”

“I know.” I’m soaking wet at this point, my fingers gliding easily over the sensitive nerves every few seconds. He undoes his pants, letting them fall and I take a moment to drool over the perfection of his cock. “Your dick is a masterpiece,” I murmur, and quick as lightning he’s on me, his cock inside of me and his hand wrapped around my throat as he fucks me hard against his office door.

“You’ll be my undoing, Skyler.”

“Ditto.” I manage as he closes his hand harder around my windpipe.

His thrusts get more aggressive and my fingers work overtime to get me to the orgasm that is just a beat away. “Fuck. AIDAN!” I scream as the tingles turn into an explosion that rips through my body. My eyes fly open at the peak of my orgasm and I fly over the edge as my body comes down from the high. I slide my hand from between my legs and stare at my fingers. They’re coated with my cum and I remember the heady feeling of sucking myself off of him.

“Go ahead baby, taste yourself. You know you want to.”

Before I can think that these are not his fingers, they’re in my mouth.

I look at my phone again. Don’t do it, Skyler. You know nothing good will come from it.

I turn over on my side with a huff, and somehow with the feeling still tingling between my legs and the flavors of my orgasm lingering in my mouth, sleep finds me.

I toss and turn for the majority of the night, leaving me with some ridiculous bags under my eyes that I’m doing my best to cover up with dark sunglasses. I’m sitting in the courtyard near the Criminal Justice building trying to distract myself from how tired I am and how much hornier I am when a shadow is cast over my textbook. I look up, unsure of what to expect when my eyes widen slightly.

“Ai—Doctor Reed.” I clear my throat, trying my best not to sound like the needy girl that spent the night switching between fantasizing about him and pissed off that I couldn’t stop fantasizing about him. Sunglasses hide his eyes as well, and I briefly wonder if his bags match mine. His hair is a little more unkempt than it was yesterday, and he’s not wearing a tie. Just a white button up tucked into navy slacks. His shirt is rolled up to his elbows revealing muscular arms. Ones I would now spend the rest of the day picturing wrapped around me as he mercilessly fucked me.

“Skyler.” He sits next to me but he doesn’t say anything further. I take a peek at him as best as I can from the corner of my eye and notice his jaw tightens slightly and he’s fidgeting with his hands. What is happening?

“I can’t stop thinking about you.” My mind immediately goes to my fantasy last night and for a brief moment my mind makes me believe that I hadn’t imagined that. That it actually happened.

I really am losing it. It’s official, dickmatization can make you actually insane.

“I spent the entire night…” he trails off, and I wonder if he’s talking more to himself because he stops and turns towards me. “I know I should probably stay away from you.” I go to reply when he continues. “But…you are…” He lets out a breath before he stands, and I realize I haven’t said anything during this whole interaction. “You’re nineteen…” He looks away from me before running a hand through his hair. “If I were nineteen, I’d spend more time studying your God damn anatomy than anything.” He shakes his head and takes a step back like he’s remembered himself. “But I’m not. Sorry I bothered you,” he mumbles before he turns to leave.

“Aidan,” I call after him.

He doesn’t turn around but he stops walking. “No Skyler.” His shoulders sag and I hear that pain in his voice from last night.


“No,” he says before he turns slightly to look back at me. “You look beautiful.” And then he’s gone, leaving me with my very confused thoughts and the wish that I had texted him last night so we could have done what we were clearly both doing, together.

The very weird interaction I had with Aidan earlier leaves me on edge for much of the day. I’m so out of sorts that, without even realizing it, I end up in front of his office door after my last class of the day.

I raise my hand to knock when I hear, “Excuse me, but there’s a line.” The bitchy tone is evident and when I turn my head, there are three girls sitting on a bench; miniskirts, too much lipstick, and eyes with perfectly curled lashes stare up at me with looks that read, not so fast.

“What the fuck could you possibly be coming to see him for? We’ve had literally one class. How could you already need office hours?”

“The same reason you’re here?” one sneers and gives me a look that says, don’t bullshit us. I resist the urge to snap that they are definitely not here for the same reason but my good sense takes over and warns me to keep the fuck quiet before I get Aidan fired and myself kicked out of school.

“Right,” I tell them. I turn to leave when the door opens and I hear a girl’s voice.

“Thank you so much, Doctor Reed. I so appreciate it.” She giggles and I roll my eyes. I don’t even want to watch this scene unfold when I hear my name.

“Miss Mitchell?”

I let out a sigh and turn around. “You know, I can just email you.” I shake my head and point towards the line. “I don’t have time to wait in line.” The words come out bitchier than I intend and I’m instantly irritated for sounding like a jealous fucking girlfriend.

“You made an appointment, you don’t have to wait,” he responds before I even have a chance to turn around, and his words affect me more than I expect. Well, they affect my pussy.

“Ladies, I’m sorry but office hours are over for the day. I have them tomorrow from four to six.” One by one the girls stand up and shoot me angry looks as they walk by me and I know my face is unreadable. I’m not apologetic or smug. I actually don’t know what I feel. “After you,” he tells me and I make my way into his office.

Tags: Q.B. Tyler Campus Tales Romance

Read The First Semester (Campus Tales 1) Page 24 - Read Online Free

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“Just one more time, please?”

He crosses the length of his office until he’s standing before me. “One more time isn’t enough.”

“I know.” I’m soaking wet at this point, my fingers gliding easily over the sensitive nerves every few seconds. He undoes his pants, letting them fall and I take a moment to drool over the perfection of his cock. “Your dick is a masterpiece,” I murmur, and quick as lightning he’s on me, his cock inside of me and his hand wrapped around my throat as he fucks me hard against his office door.

“You’ll be my undoing, Skyler.”

“Ditto.” I manage as he closes his hand harder around my windpipe.

His thrusts get more aggressive and my fingers work overtime to get me to the orgasm that is just a beat away. “Fuck. AIDAN!” I scream as the tingles turn into an explosion that rips through my body. My eyes fly open at the peak of my orgasm and I fly over the edge as my body comes down from the high. I slide my hand from between my legs and stare at my fingers. They’re coated with my cum and I remember the heady feeling of sucking myself off of him.

“Go ahead baby, taste yourself. You know you want to.”

Before I can think that these are not his fingers, they’re in my mouth.

I look at my phone again. Don’t do it, Skyler. You know nothing good will come from it.

I turn over on my side with a huff, and somehow with the feeling still tingling between my legs and the flavors of my orgasm lingering in my mouth, sleep finds me.

I toss and turn for the majority of the night, leaving me with some ridiculous bags under my eyes that I’m doing my best to cover up with dark sunglasses. I’m sitting in the courtyard near the Criminal Justice building trying to distract myself from how tired I am and how much hornier I am when a shadow is cast over my textbook. I look up, unsure of what to expect when my eyes widen slightly.

“Ai—Doctor Reed.” I clear my throat, trying my best not to sound like the needy girl that spent the night switching between fantasizing about him and pissed off that I couldn’t stop fantasizing about him. Sunglasses hide his eyes as well, and I briefly wonder if his bags match mine. His hair is a little more unkempt than it was yesterday, and he’s not wearing a tie. Just a white button up tucked into navy slacks. His shirt is rolled up to his elbows revealing muscular arms. Ones I would now spend the rest of the day picturing wrapped around me as he mercilessly fucked me.

“Skyler.” He sits next to me but he doesn’t say anything further. I take a peek at him as best as I can from the corner of my eye and notice his jaw tightens slightly and he’s fidgeting with his hands. What is happening?

“I can’t stop thinking about you.” My mind immediately goes to my fantasy last night and for a brief moment my mind makes me believe that I hadn’t imagined that. That it actually happened.

I really am losing it. It’s official, dickmatization can make you actually insane.

“I spent the entire night…” he trails off, and I wonder if he’s talking more to himself because he stops and turns towards me. “I know I should probably stay away from you.” I go to reply when he continues. “But…you are…” He lets out a breath before he stands, and I realize I haven’t said anything during this whole interaction. “You’re nineteen…” He looks away from me before running a hand through his hair. “If I were nineteen, I’d spend more time studying your God damn anatomy than anything.” He shakes his head and takes a step back like he’s remembered himself. “But I’m not. Sorry I bothered you,” he mumbles before he turns to leave.

“Aidan,” I call after him.

He doesn’t turn around but he stops walking. “No Skyler.” His shoulders sag and I hear that pain in his voice from last night.


“No,” he says before he turns slightly to look back at me. “You look beautiful.” And then he’s gone, leaving me with my very confused thoughts and the wish that I had texted him last night so we could have done what we were clearly both doing, together.

The very weird interaction I had with Aidan earlier leaves me on edge for much of the day. I’m so out of sorts that, without even realizing it, I end up in front of his office door after my last class of the day.

I raise my hand to knock when I hear, “Excuse me, but there’s a line.” The bitchy tone is evident and when I turn my head, there are three girls sitting on a bench; miniskirts, too much lipstick, and eyes with perfectly curled lashes stare up at me with looks that read, not so fast.

“What the fuck could you possibly be coming to see him for? We’ve had literally one class. How could you already need office hours?”

“The same reason you’re here?” one sneers and gives me a look that says, don’t bullshit us. I resist the urge to snap that they are definitely not here for the same reason but my good sense takes over and warns me to keep the fuck quiet before I get Aidan fired and myself kicked out of school.

“Right,” I tell them. I turn to leave when the door opens and I hear a girl’s voice.

“Thank you so much, Doctor Reed. I so appreciate it.” She giggles and I roll my eyes. I don’t even want to watch this scene unfold when I hear my name.

“Miss Mitchell?”

I let out a sigh and turn around. “You know, I can just email you.” I shake my head and point towards the line. “I don’t have time to wait in line.” The words come out bitchier than I intend and I’m instantly irritated for sounding like a jealous fucking girlfriend.

“You made an appointment, you don’t have to wait,” he responds before I even have a chance to turn around, and his words affect me more than I expect. Well, they affect my pussy.

“Ladies, I’m sorry but office hours are over for the day. I have them tomorrow from four to six.” One by one the girls stand up and shoot me angry looks as they walk by me and I know my face is unreadable. I’m not apologetic or smug. I actually don’t know what I feel. “After you,” he tells me and I make my way into his office.

Tags: Q.B. Tyler Campus Tales Romance

Read The First Semester (Campus Tales 1) Page 24 - Read Online Free

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“Just one more time, please?”

He crosses the length of his office until he’s standing before me. “One more time isn’t enough.”

“I know.” I’m soaking wet at this point, my fingers gliding easily over the sensitive nerves every few seconds. He undoes his pants, letting them fall and I take a moment to drool over the perfection of his cock. “Your dick is a masterpiece,” I murmur, and quick as lightning he’s on me, his cock inside of me and his hand wrapped around my throat as he fucks me hard against his office door.

“You’ll be my undoing, Skyler.”

“Ditto.” I manage as he closes his hand harder around my windpipe.

His thrusts get more aggressive and my fingers work overtime to get me to the orgasm that is just a beat away. “Fuck. AIDAN!” I scream as the tingles turn into an explosion that rips through my body. My eyes fly open at the peak of my orgasm and I fly over the edge as my body comes down from the high. I slide my hand from between my legs and stare at my fingers. They’re coated with my cum and I remember the heady feeling of sucking myself off of him.

“Go ahead baby, taste yourself. You know you want to.”

Before I can think that these are not his fingers, they’re in my mouth.

I look at my phone again. Don’t do it, Skyler. You know nothing good will come from it.

I turn over on my side with a huff, and somehow with the feeling still tingling between my legs and the flavors of my orgasm lingering in my mouth, sleep finds me.

I toss and turn for the majority of the night, leaving me with some ridiculous bags under my eyes that I’m doing my best to cover up with dark sunglasses. I’m sitting in the courtyard near the Criminal Justice building trying to distract myself from how tired I am and how much hornier I am when a shadow is cast over my textbook. I look up, unsure of what to expect when my eyes widen slightly.

“Ai—Doctor Reed.” I clear my throat, trying my best not to sound like the needy girl that spent the night switching between fantasizing about him and pissed off that I couldn’t stop fantasizing about him. Sunglasses hide his eyes as well, and I briefly wonder if his bags match mine. His hair is a little more unkempt than it was yesterday, and he’s not wearing a tie. Just a white button up tucked into navy slacks. His shirt is rolled up to his elbows revealing muscular arms. Ones I would now spend the rest of the day picturing wrapped around me as he mercilessly fucked me.

“Skyler.” He sits next to me but he doesn’t say anything further. I take a peek at him as best as I can from the corner of my eye and notice his jaw tightens slightly and he’s fidgeting with his hands. What is happening?

“I can’t stop thinking about you.” My mind immediately goes to my fantasy last night and for a brief moment my mind makes me believe that I hadn’t imagined that. That it actually happened.

I really am losing it. It’s official, dickmatization can make you actually insane.

“I spent the entire night…” he trails off, and I wonder if he’s talking more to himself because he stops and turns towards me. “I know I should probably stay away from you.” I go to reply when he continues. “But…you are…” He lets out a breath before he stands, and I realize I haven’t said anything during this whole interaction. “You’re nineteen…” He looks away from me before running a hand through his hair. “If I were nineteen, I’d spend more time studying your God damn anatomy than anything.” He shakes his head and takes a step back like he’s remembered himself. “But I’m not. Sorry I bothered you,” he mumbles before he turns to leave.

“Aidan,” I call after him.

He doesn’t turn around but he stops walking. “No Skyler.” His shoulders sag and I hear that pain in his voice from last night.


“No,” he says before he turns slightly to look back at me. “You look beautiful.” And then he’s gone, leaving me with my very confused thoughts and the wish that I had texted him last night so we could have done what we were clearly both doing, together.

The very weird interaction I had with Aidan earlier leaves me on edge for much of the day. I’m so out of sorts that, without even realizing it, I end up in front of his office door after my last class of the day.

I raise my hand to knock when I hear, “Excuse me, but there’s a line.” The bitchy tone is evident and when I turn my head, there are three girls sitting on a bench; miniskirts, too much lipstick, and eyes with perfectly curled lashes stare up at me with looks that read, not so fast.

“What the fuck could you possibly be coming to see him for? We’ve had literally one class. How could you already need office hours?”

“The same reason you’re here?” one sneers and gives me a look that says, don’t bullshit us. I resist the urge to snap that they are definitely not here for the same reason but my good sense takes over and warns me to keep the fuck quiet before I get Aidan fired and myself kicked out of school.

“Right,” I tell them. I turn to leave when the door opens and I hear a girl’s voice.

“Thank you so much, Doctor Reed. I so appreciate it.” She giggles and I roll my eyes. I don’t even want to watch this scene unfold when I hear my name.

“Miss Mitchell?”

I let out a sigh and turn around. “You know, I can just email you.” I shake my head and point towards the line. “I don’t have time to wait in line.” The words come out bitchier than I intend and I’m instantly irritated for sounding like a jealous fucking girlfriend.

“You made an appointment, you don’t have to wait,” he responds before I even have a chance to turn around, and his words affect me more than I expect. Well, they affect my pussy.

“Ladies, I’m sorry but office hours are over for the day. I have them tomorrow from four to six.” One by one the girls stand up and shoot me angry looks as they walk by me and I know my face is unreadable. I’m not apologetic or smug. I actually don’t know what I feel. “After you,” he tells me and I make my way into his office.

Tags: Q.B. Tyler Campus Tales Romance