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“No, Stel, listen!”

“Then call me back at an appropriate hour, I have to work early in the morning. You know the brunch rush at the restaurant sucks.” I straighten my bed, breathing a sigh of relief that I had in fact made it earlier. I throw a few stray clothes I had tossed on it while I was deciding what to wear earlier in a hamper before doing a quick inventory of any CGU stuff—given that he thinks I’m four years older than I am and definitely not in undergrad. Once I’ve successfully hidden everything, I dart into the bathroom to see its state. I toss my curling wand and makeup into a bin under the sink and straighten my shower curtain.

“Stella, I’m about to fuck the most BEAUTIFUL man I’ve ever met.”

I hear some shuffling and then a throat clearing. “Okay, you have my attention.” Her voice is firmer and I can already picture her sitting up in bed, grabbing her glasses from the nightstand and pushing them onto her face. “Where’d you meet him?”

“On this app called Our Circle or something? We matched and—”

“Jesus, Sky, you’ve been in D.C., what, five minutes?”

“Okay wrangle in that tone, Judge Judy,” I tell her as I rummage through the drawer I threw my lighter in. I run through my apartment lighting every candle in sight. “I’ll screenshot you a pic, but he’s so fine. Like unbelievably gorgeous.” I think about opening a bottle of wine but decide against it, thinking that Aidan didn’t seem to have any plans to drink anything except for me.

“You said that already. Where is he anyway, as flattered as I am that you called to give me a play by play, tell me you didn’t hide out in your bathroom to call me?”

“No, he went to get condoms.”

“Oh man! So, I guess we’re totally over Gabriel then?” I smell under my arms and rush back into the bathroom, swiping some deodorant under them, and spritzing myself with more of my Prada perfume. Shit, should I change?

“NAME!” I run into my room, toss the phone on the bed, and pull off the top I’ve been wearing. I replace it with a tank-top that exposes far more skin, as well as the lace of my bra that peeks out over the top.

“Oh right, he who shall not be named. My mistake.”

“I don’t know. Yes. No. Maybe? But…he’s not an option. I have to move on.” Should I take my shorts completely off? Maybe I should just answer the door naked.

Is that doing too much?

“Yes, I know, la vita va avanti,” she says in an awful Italian accent.

My phone pings and when I pull my phone away I see the OC notification. I slap my forehead realizing he didn’t actually have my number. “Stel, I’ll call you tomorrow. He’s back and I have to go have life changing sex with this hot man from Boston.”

“Ooh Boston! Ask him if he ‘parks his car in Harvard yard’?” she says with a horrible Boston accent and I roll my eyes.

“Bye, Stel.”


I open up the app and see his message.

Aidan: I’m here. Let me up, beautiful.

I swoon, just like I did the other two times he said it. If things never go past tonight, I’ll never forget how this man treated me. How he made me feel from even the first message. My heart thumps in my chest as I press the buzzer to let him up.

A few minutes later, I hear a knock at my door and I don’t hesitate to open it, but I’m surprised to see him staring at me with a frown on his face. “Did you look?” He points at the peephole and I blush slightly.

“I knew it was you.”

“Someone could have beat me up here. Or been lurking in your hallway.”

“My building is safe, you have to be buzzed in,” I tell him as he passes by me and crosses his arms as I shut the door and lock it.

When I turn around he’s in front of me, boxing me against the door. “Look next time. Or I’ll stand outside your door and vet all your guests. This isn’t Connecticut, Princess.”

Now, under normal circumstances, I’d bite the head off of any jerk who thought they could get away with that condescending comment and equally terrible pet name. But I can’t stop myself from reacting to it. I can almost feel the cum leaking from my pussy into my panties. I nod. “Okay.”

“Good girl.” He presses his thumb to my chin before rubbing it across my lip.

“Do you want a tour?”

Tags: Q.B. Tyler Campus Tales Romance