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“I think there’s a good chance you’ve got endometriosis. People with endo are more likely to have migraines and you’ve definitely got the painful cramps. We’ll get you in to see a specialist and figure out the best course of action. But until then, we’re going to work on your diet and get you started on an herbal enema regimen.”

Eric lubed up his finger and pushed it into her bottom like he did when he was prepping her to have her temperature taken. This time it seemed to take him longer, like he was playing with her bottom hole longer.

And then he was pressing a tube inside her. A tube that seemed to keep going and going and going that he was steadily feeding into her ass. Her pussy spasmed with the thought.

“That’s it, baby. Just a little more. We’re going to get this enema tubing in you nice and high and then flood your intestines and rectum with some nice warm herbal solution.”

She whimpered. Not because she was scared but because she liked being strapped down this way and having her daddy feed inch after inch of tubing inside her. Why did it feel so good for him to penetrate her? To reach inside her body to the depths of her belly and claim every part of her? Perhaps it was because he’d taken her over so thoroughly, but there was something about the physical sensation itself—the warm water flowing into her, how she started to feel so swollen and full?

Maybe that was it. She wanted to be filled not just emotionally but physically too. Wanted to be nourished and heavy with his attention and his love. And that’s what she felt as he fixed the tube in her, explaining how he was inflating two little balloons—one just inside the tight ring of her asshole and the other just outside—and started the flow of water. Rubbed her tummy as her belly started to swell.

What would it feel like to have Eric’s babies?

Now that right there was crazy talk. She’d always wanted a big family but had let that dream go because it didn’t fit with the picture perfect life Carter had imagined—more mouths to feed, more bodies to clothe meant less money for fancy cars and top-of-the-line golf clubs to show off at the country club, fewer vacations to exotic locales—and she’d had some trouble conceiving.

No way should she be digging up those fantasies and plastering them onto Eric like he was some paper doll instead of a real man. That would make her as bad as Carter. But she couldn’t help thinking about how good Eric had been with the boys yesterday, and how attentive he was with her and how growing a family with him would be so different than with Carter.

Did he even want children of his own though? Sometimes people who worked with kids day in and day out like Eric did wanted to come home to a grown-up house with no children in it and she couldn’t blame them. And what was she, going toaskhim? Now?

She tried to push the thoughts from her head, but it wasn’t easy with how full she’d started to feel. A cramp rolled through her and she whimpered but Eric soothed it away with his sweet, slow hands and his gentle voice. Yeah, it was hard not to imagine him standing behind her and cupping her growing belly where a baby they’d made together grew.

But she would keep that to her damn self.

The warm water did seem to help with her vicious cramps, besides which being spread out and bound like this helped her relax and reality felt slippery somehow. Like it really wasn’t as fixed as she thought, like things could change—maybe for the better.

After having her hold the solution for a while, Eric undid her bonds and helped her down from the bed, supporting her with a strong arm around her waist as he brought her to the bathroom. She wanted to tell him to leave because oh my god, he couldnotbe here for what she knew was coming next.

“Eric—Daddy, may I have some privacy please?” she pleaded, feeling herself flush from her hairline to her chest.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea, babygirl,” he said as he deflated the little balloons that had helped keep the tube so firmly lodged inside her. “I want to be here to make sure my little buttercup is okay.”

He looked up at her then, dark brows arched and eyes slightly narrowed. “Is it really important to you to be alone while you expel your enema or would you like me here and you’re embarrassed? Because I’ve gotta tell you, I’ve seen everything you can imagine and then some. There is very little that fazes me. As long as you don’t have jam hands, we’re good.”

Eric winked at her and it made all these happy butterflies flutter inside her. Just, his face, and his kindness, and his gentle silliness almost made her forget what she was about to do even as her stomach grumbled, so ready to let go of everything she was holding in.

“Besides, if I leave, I’m just going to be pacing outside the door, fretting about how you’re doing. You wouldn’t do that to me, would you Devy baby? I think we’ll both be happier if I stay with you, and on my honor, it’s not going to change how I feel about you one iota. Still my beautiful, sweet little buttercup, right?”

He nudged under her chin with a knuckle and it made her smile. “Um, okay, I guess. If you’re very sure.”

Eric’s face softened in a way she couldn’t quite describe and then he said, “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”

Tags: Honey Meyer Erotic