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“Daddy’s got to go see his other patients now, baby, but I’ll come check on you whenever I can and Marni will come by too. That medicine should start to work quickly and hopefully you’ll be able to get some good rest. If you need anything, just let us know. You won’t be bothering us. It’s our job to look after my special little patient the best we can and I’ll only be upset if you don’t let me do my job.”

“’Kay, Daddy.”

Maybe the sweet little thing was practically delirious from the pain, but Eric couldn’t deny hearing his little girl call him “Daddy” made his heart sing.

* * *

In between patients he ducked back to check on Devaney. Mostly she was asleep but sometimes she’d grab his hand when he passed it over her forehead, hold his thumb in one of her fists. He wanted to push it between her lips and let her suckle but he couldn’t spare the time. Later.

After his last patient he’d have all the time in the world to cuddle her—if she could stand it, although she’d said she didn’t have touch sensitivity with her migraines. Thank god for that, because it might actually kill him to see her hurting so much and not be able to hold her.

Finally he’d finished with his last patient, Jane had gone home, and Flora had locked up the office. He had some little patients scheduled over the weekend but not a ton and if Devy got worse he wouldn’t feel terrible about canceling them. Guilty, sure, but at least the caregivers would understand even if the littles didn’t.

Marni stopped him in the hallway.

“Do you want me to stay?” she asked, a crease forming between her brows.

His nurse had a reputation for playing hard and dirty but underneath her sexy domme heels, temptress red lipstick, and the snap of her gloves that could make the most hardened top whimper, she really did have a soft mommy heart. Now if only she had a little of her own to lavish all that affection on… But that was something to bring up with his friend another day. Right now he had to get back to Devy.

“No, you go home. You’ve done more than enough today and I think I’ve got this. I’ll call you later if I need something, but honestly, if she gets any worse I think we’re looking at a trip to the ER. There’s only so much I can do here.”

Marni nodded sympathetically and patted his arm. “Alright. Just let me know if you’re canceling patients this weekend. There are a couple on the schedule who probably wouldn’t mind seeing just me.”

“Thanks, Marn, you’re the best.”

“I know,” she said with a smirk before pressing a quick peck to his cheek.

He locked the door behind Marni and then went to the back exam room to see his babygirl. If she was asleep, he didn’t want to wake her so he slipped the door open quietly. He didn’t need to worry though—when he’d snuck over the threshold and closed the door he found those beautiful blue eyes looking back at him.

“Hey, buttercup,” he said softly as he perched on the edge of the exam table, resting a hand on her shoulder. “How you feeling? Little better?”


“Good, I’m glad. Probably still feel pretty yucky though, huh?”

He couldn’t help talking to Devy like she was little, not with the wide-eyed way she was looking at him, the sweet sad way she nodded her agreement.


“We’ll go to your place long enough for Carter to pick the boys up and then I’m bringing you back here. You’re not leaving my sight until you’re feeling better and I don’t want any arguments.”

Tags: Honey Meyer Erotic