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Chapter Eleven

Eric kept glancing over at Devy as he drove home—she looked terrible, like she’d gotten hit by a bus. Her pale skin had a grey cast, she winced whenever she opened her eyes, and occasionally let out a pitiful little noise. Poor thing hurt so much she was practically feral.

Because there were patients around and he didn’t want her to be embarrassed if it was someone she knew, he resisted the urge to carry her but slipped an arm around her waist and walked her into the breezeway where Marni was waiting. She must’ve seen or heard them pull into the garage.

He didn’t waste time with pleasantries—Marni wouldn’t take offense.

“Marn, bring her upstairs and sit with her. I’ll be up as soon as I can, but I have to get through a couple patients. I’ve kept them waiting too long.”

He’d get through a few patients and then take a break to give his babygirl some meds and start an IV—no doubt she hadn’t been eating or drinking while she was at work. His nurse started to reach for Devy to take over supporting her, but his little girl clung to him and looked up, chin trembling.

“No, Eric, please,” she begged.

It cut right to the quick of his soul to hear her in so much pain. Truthfully, he would do anything for her—it was excruciating to not be able to go next door and tell all his patients to clear out and come back some other day because he had to see to Devy—but it would be better for her to be upstairs in the inpatient room than trying to make do in one of the exam rooms.

“Listen to me, Devy. We can put you in one of the back exam rooms but you’ll be a lot more comfortable upstairs. You know Marni. She’ll take good care of you until I can be there, I promise.”

He put her little hand over his chest so she could feel his sincerity with every beat of his heart.I promise, I promise, I promise.

But Devy wasn’t having it.

“I want to be closer to you. Please.Please.”

He wasn’t a masochist by any stretch of the imagination—he was in awe of and profoundly grateful to anyone who would voluntarily submit to pain—but if he could take some of her hurt away by inflicting it upon himself he’d do it in a heartbeat. And the fact that she’d prefer to be near him than be in a more comfortable bed, in a quieter room? It was irrational and foolish and he should insist she go upstairs but he couldn’t find it in himself to do it—not when her need for him flooded him with so much pleasure. Sheneededhim.

And wouldn’t that make Brae laugh his ass off? Then it would, because he wasn’t going to say no to his precious little buttercup.

“Alright, babygirl. Alright. Come on back. Marn, can you get some linens and help me get her settled?”

Marni ducked her head in acknowledgment and hustled back to the linen closet while he helped Devy down the hall to the back exam room. He never saw peds patients in here, just littles so all the equipment and supplies would be sized right for a grown-up. And since he was here now, it would only take a few minutes to get her out of those restrictive clothes and into a gown so he could at least give her some meds.

She didn’t argue at all as he stripped her and tugged on a pink gown with castles and princesses on it, or when he settled her on her tummy on the exam table, hips propped up on a foam wedge. Normally he’d take more time to play with her ass, make her feel good before pushing the suppositories into her backside, but she was hurting too much to care and he really did have to get back to his patients.

He grabbed the bottle of suppositories and lube, washed up and pulled some gloves on before standing next to Devy and stroking her soft, round bottom. Wishing he could spend more time with her, but knowing he couldn’t, he slicked up a finger and rubbed it gently over her tight hole.

“Relax, baby. Daddy’s going to give you some medicine to help you feel better so you need to open up for me, just like last time.”

Shit. He’d meant to wait to bring up the daddy stuff with Devy. He’d already thrown so much at her in such a short period of time and he’d wanted to test the waters on the daddy dom/age play angle, ease her into it. But apparently his big mouth and the daddy dom part of his brain had other ideas. Pushy assholes.

But aside from a sharp intake of breath, Devy didn’t react—at least not negatively. She whimpered her agreement and he felt the tight ring of muscle release under his searching, swirling finger.

Eric took advantage of her obedience and eased his finger into her, biting his lip because she was so hot and tight. Wishing he could spend far more time on her delectable ass, he forced himself to be more orderly, more clinical, and while still being gentle, made quick and thorough work of slicking up her anus enough to accept the substantial suppositories that Devy took into her body with two small groans.

“There you go. That’s a good girl, taking your medicine in your bottom.”

She squeaked, the embarrassed sound going straight to his dick. As much as he loved obedient little girls who did as their daddy told them to without any reluctance, he loved it even more when they were shy. Something about that low burn of embarrassment just turned his crank real hard.

He loved to push littles, make them blush and squirm, but he always did his best to stay on the side of sweetly embarrassed and not veer into emotionally wrenching humiliation. Humiliation absolutely was some people’s kink and he’d participated in a few scenes like that before, but embarrassment was his sweet spot.

That being true, he grabbed a diaper and shifted Devy off the foam wedge and onto her back so he could wrap her up in it. He didn’t want her staggering around the dimly lit exam room trying to go to the potty—she’d probably hurt herself—and he also didn’t want her having an accident and being mortified about it.

Being in a diaper was clearly embarrassing for her but if she’d been horrified by him cleaning up her puke he could only imagine how ashamed she’d be if she had a bathroom accident. He wouldn’t care—bodily fluids of all kinds were just part of the job and he’d never been what you’d call squeamish—but she would.

She covered her face but didn’t argue, and then there was a soft knock at the door, followed swiftly by Marni coming in with an armful of white linens. Eric picked Devy up and cuddled her on his lap while Marni, efficient as always, made up a makeshift bed on the exam table that he tucked Devy into.

And now he really had to go. His patients were generally pretty understanding when he was behind schedule but he didn’t like to keep anyone waiting.

He pressed a kiss to her forehead and pushed back some errant strands of hair from her face.

Tags: Honey Meyer Erotic