Page 32 of Plum's Priest Daddy

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Plum smiled at them. “Oh, you totally should’ve asked. I could talk about shopping all day. And Arthur Tyndall as in Tyndall, Soames, and Yardley?”

Arthur nodded, looking pleased that she recognized his firm but of course she did. They were probably both members of the Clover City Chamber of Commerce or something.

“Your real estate division helped me purchase the building Caffeinatrix is in. I live upstairs too. I loved working with Nikolina, she’s a hellcat.”

Arthur let out a belly laugh and Saoirse giggled. “You’re right about that. And a hell of an attorney too.”

They chatted for a bit, and aside from itching to have his hands on Plum the way Arthur held Saoirse, Gideon couldn’t have asked for anything more.

By the time Mrs. Symes was summoning Plum back to the kitchen, Saoirse was on her toes, whispering in Arthur’s ear.

“Ah, my little princess is wondering if we’ll see you perhaps outside of church.”

Arthur looked meaningfully at Gideon and he felt caught up short. He and Plum had been enjoying themselves so much at home he hadn’t thought to ask if she’d like to come to Hive.

Hell, he didn’t even know if she was still going to Savage on the nights they weren’t together. If she’d played hard enough to leave marks he would’ve noticed because he stripped her naked and laid his own hand across her voluptuous backside whenever they were together, but he hadn’t asked. It was fine if she’d still been going, though he’d envy any other top who got to put their hands on her.

“I’m not sure. We haven’t discussed it.”

Plum looked at him quizzically and then understanding seemed to dawn. “Oh!”

“Please bring her, Father. Please? That would be so fun.”

Saoirse was bouncing again and if it were up to him, he would say yes because he agreed that it would be a very, very good time.

“We’ll have to see, sweet girl,” he said as quietly as he could while still loud enough for Saoirse and Arthur to hear. “I’ll let your daddy know, okay?”

Saoirse tucked her lips between her teeth and nodded, looking like she wanted to plead with him some more to please bring her style icon to Hive but knowing asking again after she’d already received an answer would likely get her bottom spanked.

He wasn’t sure how Plum would feel about this but when he shot her a glance, he couldn’t make eye contact because she was leaning over to whisper something to Saoirse, who clapped—while still holding Arthur’s hand. From Arthur’s indulgent expression, that wasn’t the first time Saoirse had done that.

They said their goodbyes and on the way back to the kitchen where Mrs. Symes was waiting impatiently with a couple of large knives and a matching pair of watermelons, Gideon asked Plum what she had said to Saoirse.

Plum shrugged. “Girl stuff.”

He blinked before she laughed. “Kidding. This time. I, um, told her if you invited me to Hive I would say yes.”

His little tease flounced away and into the kitchen where she tied on her apron and shot him a smile before stabbing the watermelon. Silly girl. And more plans for him to make.

Tags: Honey Meyer Erotic