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Chapter Twenty-Six

Both he and Saoirse had slept late this morning. And no wonder with the way he’d put her though her paces last night. After fucking her ass the way he’d promised, he’d taken her out of the straitjacket only to bend her over the side of his bed, buckle straps around her thighs that he clipped her mitts to, worked a large plug into her bottom, and then for the first time used his belt on her.

It had been glorious, the way she’d cried and buried her face in the bedclothes. Begged and yelped and squirmed as well as she could—which was not very—and fuck, the way the welts had raised from her already red backside had nearly done him in. He’d had to have her all over again.

By the time he was putting her to bed she was worn out and he couldn’t stand to have her even a room away so he’d tucked her into his bed and joined her after he’d showered and answered some messages from his associates and Vance. He still hadn’t heard from Nikolina but he couldn’t spend too much time worrying about that right now. He had a little princess to care for and she was giving him a run for his money.

The good news was that she’d gone almost a whole week without having anything to drink. The bad news was that he didn’t feel any closer to cracking his little darling open and seeing the root of her troubles. Or maybe he’d convinced himself that there was something where there was actually nothing.

It was like when people wanted so badly for a case to go their way that they were almost incapable of believing it wouldn’t. Couldn’t if there wasn’t enough evidence to prove it. Was he being that irrational person right now? Could be.

To keep his mind from obsessing about something that might be a figment of his imagination, he’d pushed Saoirse again this morning. Teased and tormented her nipples until they were stiff enough to put delicate metal rings around. Those tiny pieces of metal would keep her nipples at attention, and make them poke out from the thin cotton onesie he’d put under her jumper.

And since he had more work that he hadn’t finished last night, after breakfast he brought her into the library with him and put out a big, soft blanket for her to sit on, complete with a couple of puzzles, some big blocks she’d be able to handle even while wearing her mitts, and some board books. He’d also buckled her into some spreader pants that he’d been saving.

She’d looked at them the same way she’d looked at the straitjacket last night, eyes and mouth in perfectly round “O”s, looking equally mortified and turned on. Perfect. She’d shaken her head when he’d put her on the floor to put them on her but he’d raised a brow and she’d hushed.

Once he’d gotten her strapped into the purple PVC item and had her stand up, she’d flushed from her hairline all the way down to her chest. The section of the overalls-type apparatus that went between her legs forced her thighs so wide apart she could barely walk.

Of course the metal balls in her booties had deterred her some, but embarrassment was a better bridle for Saoirse’s naughty impulses than pain. Forcing her to waddle when she tried to walk like a grown-up was a much better way to keep her off her feet. Didn’t hurt that she looked goddamn adorable sitting on the rainbow blanket with her legs splayed out while she flipped through board books, and when she crawled across the blanket to get Ziggy.

He’d meant to work for an hour but it took him two to get through everything since he kept getting distracted by his fetching little princess and it was mid-morning by the time he was through.

"Time for your enema, little girl.”

Saoirse looked up at him from where she was playing with a puzzle on the floor. Now that she’d had the spreader pants on for a couple hours, they seemed to have done the trick. She was docile and wide-eyed as she held one of the big wooden puzzle pieces between her mitts.

She was darling like this—hair in braided pigtails, a paci gag strapped in her mouth, her luscious full titties straining at the thin cotton of her onesie with the rings he’d applied poking through, and the barely visible peeks of the locked diaper cover he’d put her in between the folds of the skirt of her jumper. Plus of course, the spreader pants.

His little princess didn’t try to stand but simply held out her arms, asking to be picked up.

“That’s a good girl,” he praised. “Letting Daddy take care of you.”

He picked her up off the floor and loved the way she wrapped her arms around his neck, nestled her head against his shoulder, and wrapped her legs around his waist as best she could with the spreader pants on.

“Are you a sleepy girl?” he asked, and the sweet bundle in his arms nodded, her hair tickling his neck. “Then I think it’s best for you to have a nap before lunch today. I’ll give you your enema and your bath and then tuck you into your crib.”

Poor girl was so tired she only nodded against him again.

It had taken a little while to get Saoirse to unwind from the knotted-up ball of stress she’d come to him as, practically vibrating with it. But now that she’d loosened up some, it seemed her body was determined to take advantage and she was sleeping a lot. Woke late in the mornings, took a short nap after breakfast and a longer one after lunch, and was ready for bed after only a little playtime following dinner.

How had no one noticed that she was so run down and worn out? Or had they, and just didn’t care? Yes, law school was stressful and it necessitated a ton of time spent bent over books and seemingly endless studying, but he didn’t remember ever looking quite so much like a corpse as Saoirse had when he picked her up at the airport.

She looked better now but there was still the niggling sense she was keeping something from him.

Despite the fact that she’d handed over control of her body, she certainly hadn’t permitted him unfettered access to her mind. And perhaps most maddening—though he’d keep this to himself—he had no idea about the state of her heart.

There was no doubt she was fond of him, trusted him, found him at least somewhat attractive, but he didn’t think she was as affected by him as he was by her. Or if she was, she hid it very well. Just like she hid other things.

He wouldn’t trouble himself over whether she’d still be his once she went back to school, or after she graduated. He fervently hoped so but perhaps she wouldn’t be able to or wouldn’t want to switch back and forth from competent and professional Saoirse to little Saoirse day in and day out. Some women didn’t.

He’d set up the table in the bathroom beforehand so it was easy to set her down on it and unbuckle the straps for the pants before lying her back, applying the safety strap around her waist, and lifting up her ankles in one hand so he could sweep the pants out from under her raised bottom with the other.

Saoirse pressed her thighs together—as well as she could with her diaper and cover on at any rate—since she could now. He unsnapped her onesie and pulled the cotton up over her diaper cover, unlocked the thick pink garment and drew that off as well.

“Did you use your diaper while you were playing?” he asked, and she shook her head.

“Then Daddy’s going to help you go.”

She didn’t resist at all as he put a hand over her low belly and applied pressure, and it wasn’t long before she was blowing a sigh out of her nose and her cheeks flushed as he could feel her emptying her bladder into the diaper.

“There you go. Now we’re all ready to clean you up.”

Saoirse blinked at him and bopped her mitts together over her chest. He worried sometimes that she’d get bored and restless with the simple things he allowed her to do. But when she was more recovered, she’d be permitted more grown-up activities.

He didn’t want to take her career from her, and honestly didn’t want to take her fine mind and good character from the legal profession. But he also knew she needed boundaries, otherwise she’d burn out and be done for far longer than this enforced break, if she ever came back at all.

He’d seen it happen too may times, and he wasn’t going to let it happen to her.

Tags: Honey Meyer Erotic