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Chapter Eighteen

After three more enemas and six more earth-shaking climaxes, Saoirse’s legs were so wobbly Arthur had to carry her back to the exam table. She was glad when he didn’t set her down on the vinyl but sat on the end of the table and cradled her in his lap.

She felt lighter and spaced out and floaty, like she was disconnected from her body but not in a bad way. It was like all her heavy, complicated thoughts weren’t part of her right now and she was only responding to stimulus. Like her daddy cuddling her in a way that felt so, so good. The way he sheltered her with his body was protective and possessive and sweet and loving all at once. If her knees weren’t already at the point of giving out, that would’ve made her swoon.

As Doctor Eric, Nurse Marni, and her daddy talked, she nestled into Arthur’s shoulder, loving the smell of him, how strong he was, the way his chest vibrated when he talked, how she could hear and feel the steady thump of his heart. She could fall asleep right here. Maybe she would.

But before she could, Doctor Eric said something loud enough that she knew she was meant to hear it.

“Well, Arthur, your little girl is in reasonably good health, although I think she’s overextended herself for a significant period of time and could use some very serious rest. Of course we’ll have to wait for her labs to come back for more details.”

“So what would you recommend? My princess’s health is of the utmost importance to me.”

His princess. She was important.She must be dead because surely this was heaven.

“I would suggest a two week course of complete infantilization. Lots of sleep, lots of cuddles, nothing physically or intellectually strenuous. Keep her in diapers as much as possible. I’d keep mostly to bottles for the first week and then you can transition to more solid food, though she’s too little to feed herself, obviously. You’ll have to put her in the high chair and spoon-fed her. No big girl drinks like coffee or alcohol either. And while of course you should love and spoil her as much as possible, you’ll also need to provide very strict discipline. It will help her know she’ll be taken care of.”

Part of Saoirse wanted to call “cherries” right then and there. Not because she didn’t want those things but because shedid.If she didn’t object, everyone in that room would know she wanted them. But another part of her wanted it all so desperately and when would she have another chance to experience it for real? Maybe never.

Before she could finish hashing out her conflicting thoughts, Doctor Eric continued.

“I’d strongly recommend mitts and a locked diaper at all times with a couple of hours per day spent in spreader pants, in addition to nightly bedtime spankings to remind her who’s in charge. She’s not to do anything for herself or she could overexert herself and that would prolong her recovery time. Also daily enemas since stressed little girls tend to have tummy troubles and we need to keep her cleaned out.”

How was it humanly possible for her to be turned on again so soon on the heels of eight incredible orgasms? She would’ve thought her daily allowance of climaxes had been wrung out of her body in the past couple of hours but apparently not.

Well, that was fine. She was pretty sure Arthur was going to let her come when they got home. Since she’d been so well-behaved in church and all. As much as she’d enjoyed Nurse Marni and Doctor Eric’s ministrations, she suspected she’d enjoy Arthur’s even more.

She couldn’t wait. Was perhaps so impatient that she nipped at her daddy’s neck and felt his answering chuckle.

“Thank you so much, doctor. My last question is whether my little princess is healthy enough for sexual activity.”

What? If eight orgasms don’t count as sexual activity, what the hell does?

She yelped as a spank landed on her backside.

“Saoirse! That was extremely rude. I expect better manners from you, little girl.”

Well, she certainly hadn’t meant to say that out loud, but—

Before she could answer Arthur, he’d turned her over his lap and was spanking her sore bottom. She squeaked and squirmed as a profusion of harsh slaps rained down on her buttocks.

Given how drained she was from the enemas, it didn’t take long for her to be limp and in tears across Arthur’s thighs as he finished her spanking. Her butt felt like it was bruised underneath a layer of fire, as though her skin was stretched tight over her hot, swollen flesh. Plus she was humiliated that Doctor Eric and Nurse Marni were seeing her be punished. She knew too, though, that she was soaked between her legs.

She didn’t get any less mortified as Arthur rubbed her bottom while Doctor Eric continued as though they hadn’t just taken a ten minute pause for her to be thoroughly spanked.

“I believe she is, but I wouldn’t recommend any additional orgasms today. She’s already endured a great deal of stimulation and she needs to rest.”

If her backside weren’t still burning and throbbing from being spanked—again—Saoirse would have protested because what the hell? She needed to come.Neededto. Maybe she didn’t like Doctor Eric so much after all. But as things were, she winced when Arthur gently patted her bottom.

“Well she won’t be pleased about that but you do know what’s best for her. I’ll make sure my precious little girl doesn’t have any climaxes until at least tomorrow. And if she doesn’t follow doctor’s orders, she’ll find herself very sorry indeed.”

Tags: Honey Meyer Erotic