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Chapter Twelve

Saoirse had the best dreams she could ever remember. When she woke, she had to pinch herself to make sure she was really awake because it seemed like those dreams had come true.

She shifted her hips and ow, yeah, she had definitely been spanked. Not like those half a dozen swats her boyfriends had thought counted as foreplay, either. Her backside still throbbed and felt like it was a banked fire. Wow. Above her was a huge expanse of gauzy white fabric, a beautiful canopy fit for a princess. Which, yes. Arthur had said he had a whole princess room. And this was it.

Clearly it was meant for a little princess like her too. The sight of the changing table and the crib and the highchair made her wet between her legs. Would Arthur… Was he going to…

The pictures flitting through her head made her breathing shallower and her cheeks get hot. Yes, she wanted to be put down for a nap in the crib. Wanted to be strapped into the highchair and fed. And, and…

Saoirse slipped her hand into her panties and started playing with her clit, circling it and pinching, thinking about her daddy putting her on the changing table and wiping her clean before putting her in a…in a diaper.

She’d fantasized about that kind of age play before, but never voiced it to any of her partners. If they’d only been interested in a lackluster spanking, there was no way they’d want to infantilize her to the extent of making her wear a diaper, suck on a pacifier, be fed from a bottle, that sort of thing.

She could picture it now, though, Arthur doing those things to her. Playing with her princess parts between diaper changes or after he’d spanked her over his knee.

Could picture it so clearly that she snaked a hand up her shirt to toy with a nipple while she kept working her clit. She was startled beyond belief when there was a stern voice scolding her from the doorway.

“Saoirse Imogen Sullivan, what a naughty little girl you are. You don’t have permission to play with your princess parts.”

Arthur strode over to the bed, yanked the covers back and then she was pinned over his lap again. He yanked her shorts and panties down and started spanking her which really smarted since she was still sore.

“But Daddy, I didn’t know!” she wailed.

“That’s not an excuse, princess. If you’re not sure, you should’ve asked.”

The spanks rained down on her bottom and she started to cry almost immediately.

“I can see you can’t control yourself so you’ll have to wear mitts when I put you to bed or put you down for a nap. I can’t have my little girl touching herself whenever she feels like it. You’re such a glutton you’d play with your princess parts and your adorable little titties all day.”

“Oh,” she whimpered, trying not to squirm too much. Even the idea of having mitts on her hands because she couldn’t control herself was arousing.

“Wouldn’t you, princess? Tell Daddy, go on.”

It was hard to get her thoughts in order while he was still spanking her sore backside, but she managed to string a few words together.

“Yes, Daddy. I would. I would touch myself all the time.”

He tsked at her. “What a naughty, naughty little thing. Why were you touching yourself anyway? Tell me why and your punishment will stop.”


She didn’t mean for it to come out as a moan, but it did. She didn’t want to tell him because it was humiliating, but she wanted this to stop because it hurt so bad.

“Because—because being your little girl makes me horny. My titties and my princess parts get all tingly and I just, I had to touch them, Daddy.Hadto.”

He spanked her three more times, the hardest yet and she cried out.

“No you didn’t, princess. I told you if you needed anything I’d be right through that door. It sounds to me like you needed to have your titties and your princess parts played with until you had an orgasm. You should’ve asked me for help. That’s what Daddy is here for.”

“Even…even for that?” she sniffed.

“Especially for that. If that would be okay with you. Is that something you want? For Daddy to touch your princess parts and make you come?”

Still over Arthur’s lap, Saoirse nodded enthusiastically, feeling dizzy with possibility. God, yes, she would love that. So much. Right now, in fact.

“I would love to give my princess all the climaxes you need but I can’t now. You need to eat something and take a bath before church.”

“But Daddy—”

Tags: Honey Meyer Erotic