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Moses pulled me into ahug. “You smell. And you look really fucking haggard. What did my daughter do to you?”

He’d spent a good half-hour greeting his daughter before turning his attention on me. Simone had squealed with joy when her parents showed up, and frankly, I had too.

I shoved him away, laughing. “Don’t even pretend you didn’t instruct her to torture me at every turn.”

He bowed his head. “Guilty. But you deserved it for spreading that rumor that I had a new form of the black plague.”

I crossed my arms over my chest. “You mean the rumor I started six years ago?”

“That very one,” he confirmed.

Michaela, my gorgeous sister-in-law, patted Simone’s bottom while she nursed her. “I heard that one.”

Mo whipped around to her. “I wasn’t even famous six years ago.”

She shrugged. “A rock star catching a fourteenth-century epidemic isn’t something that quickly dies. I mean, the rock star probably would, but not the rumor. I heard it a couple years ago.”

I pressed my lips together, pleased as punch. “And yet, you married him.”

“I never said Ibelievedthe rumors.”

I elbowed Mo in the ribs. “Way to plot out your meticulous revenge. You really got me back. I had to askAlexfor help when the going got too rough.”

Mo’s brow furrowed. “What? You actually called Murray?”

“I did, and it was icky. I need to go shower for two days,” I said. “Did you have fun, at least?”

Mo gazed at Michaela and his daughter so adoringly, I had to look away for a moment. They were, hands down, the cutest family that had ever existed. Mo and I were raised by parents who didn’t bother loving each other, but he’d taken everything he learned from them and flipped it on its head. He’d gone from pussy-chasing rock star to committed husband and devoted father in a blink, but it suited him. I was proud of him. So proud.

“Yep. We slept a lot and pretty much never left our bed except for the movie premiere I was contractually obligated to appear at,” he said.

“Which we escaped from early,” Mic added.

He sat down beside her, leaning his forehead against her hair. “You wore a dress, wife. You know what that does to me.”

I raised my arms frantically. “Hello, sister in the room. I do not need to hear these things. My innocent ears have been ruined.”

“There is nothing innocent about you, Ya-Ya,” he said.

“Nowthere’s not.” I patted my ears. “Anyway, I’m glad you had fun. I love you both. Please don’t ask me to babysit for a solid month.”

“We won’t. Our new nanny starts tomorrow. She’s basically Mother Goose in the flesh,” Michaela said. “Her name is June, and I want her to bemynanny, that’s how lovely she is.”

I snorted. “Now you’re just being weird.”

I kissed all three of them, told them I loved them, then took a car back to my apartment. The only thing on my mind was getting to my bed. I would be sleeping like a woman whose soul was at ease from the good deeds she’d done.

My lethargy was the only thing I could blame for my feet becoming rooted to the floor two doors down from my apartment. Any other day, I would have darted back to the elevator or curled into a fetal position so I didn’t have to witness Alex fucking Murray bidding his latest fuck buddy goodbye at his door. Instead, I stood there, watching a curvy little brunette with a very hot ass cling to his neck as she attempted to climb him like a tree. Finally, he smacked her on her hot ass and pressed a kiss to her lips before sending her stumbling like a lovesick puppy down the hall.

His smile fell as soon as she turned around, his expression becoming stoic. Then his eyes met mine, and his entire demeanor changed. He became tense, the ropey muscles of his bare torso bunching as I finally got my feet to move.

“Yael,” he murmured.

“Alex.” My keys were already in my hand, so unlocking my door took seconds. I almost went into my apartment with my cleansed soul, but the devil on my shoulder wouldn’t let me go. I swiveled back, finding the bane of my existence still staring at me.

“Need something?” he asked.

Tags: Julia Wolf Unrequited Romance