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My hand went to my tight throat. “Maybe you were right. Maybe they were a contingency plan. I—” I shook my head.

“What? Say it.”

“I was going to say I’ve only known marriages that end up in shambles, but that isn’t true. My brother and Rosa are still mad for each other. I want that too.”

“So do I. All I’ve seen is my parents screaming at each other, saying the most vile shit in fits of anger, and I never want that with you. That’s why I left. I could feel myself losing it, and I never want to be that way with you. I refuse.” He looked down at the floor. “No way should I have left our home. I should’ve taken a shower or gone into our bedroom—anythingother than walking out. I won’t do that again. I’m promising you that right now. I might need space, but it won’t involve leaving you. You get it?”

I had to bite my lip to keep it from trembling. That was what I’d needed to hear.

“I forgive you. Thank you for not being the guy who screams. I will always give you space if you need it, as long as you don’t walk out on me. I can’t take that.”

“I won’t. Never again.” He released a great exhale. “I got your texts.”

I nodded. “Before we talk about that, I want to tell you what I’ve figured out about us.”

“Tell me.”

“That night in Vegas, you said you didn’t know who you were outside of your stage persona, but I do. I know who you are. And I know who I am. What I didn’t know, didn’t think about, is that we love differently. When I’m touching you and laying my head on your shoulder and weaving my fingers with yours duringElite, I’m telling you I love you. But you, you’re saying the words. Not those exact ones, but close. If I’d been listening better, I would have heard you.”

He frowned at me, his fingers twitching at his sides. “You think I love you?”

“I know you do.”

His head cocked. “And you love me.”

“I do. I love you, and I’ll get better at saying it.”

He scrubbed his stubbly jaw with both hands. “Tell me about the texts.”

I took out my phone. “First, let me read you something I posted on Instagram.”

“Can I sit down first? I’m feeling like I need to sit.”

He came toward me, and I panicked, since I was still hiding the ring box behind my back.

“No, you have to stand!” I yelled.

He froze. “What?” His eyes went wide with shock.

“Stand there. Don’t move. You can sit down when I’m done.”

His shocked eyes narrowed after a beat. “What’s behind your back?”

“Can you trust me for one minute and let me read this to you?”

He leaned back against the wall, getting comfortable. “Yeah, Mic. I trust you.”

Tags: Julia Wolf Unrequited Romance