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I just...sat at her feet, stupefied and unsure of how to proceed. For their part, everyone else seemed to be ignoring whatever was going on between Michaela and me. Except Yael. Her mouth was pinched, and her eyes were worried.

Michaela stayed through two of Murray’s songs before she discreetly exited the room, tugging her T-shirt down as she walked. Yael took her place in the chair as soon as she left.

“What happened?” she hissed.

“She’s mad.” That much had probably been clear to every single person in my apartment.

“No kidding. She knew we were coming over, right?”

“Nah, didn’t think to tell her. Didn’t think she’d mind.”

She smacked me on the forehead. “Are you kidding me, Moses? You had me thinking Mic was into all the company you’ve been having since she moved in.Isshe?”

“I think she is. She hasn’t complained.”

She smacked me again. “God, you’re dumb.” She stood up and clapped her hands over her head. “All right, party people, time to clear out. Moses and his lady love need their alone time. If he invites you over any time in the foreseeable future, ignore him.”

She got some surprised looks and disgruntled muttering—that was from Darcy—but Yael wasn’t a woman people argued with. Everyone except Murray cleared out pretty quickly. He stayed behind to toss random bottles and cans into my recycling container.

I stood in the middle of my suddenly empty apartment, feeling lost. Yael gave me a hug, then patted my back. “Go make it right.”

“I didn’t know anything was wrong.”

She pushed me in the direction of my bedroom. “And now you do. Alex and I will clean up and get out of here in a minute. Don’t worry.”

Dread coursed through me as I opened our bedroom door. Mic was lying on her side reading a book, a blanket draped over her legs. I climbed into bed behind her, wrapping my body around hers. She didn’t close her book, but when my hand rested on her belly, she slid hers on top of mine.

We laid there in silence for a while. With each minute that passed, she softened in my hold.

“I don’t like wearing pants around the house,” she said.

I buried my face in her curls, nodding in understanding. “I think you communicated that loud and clear.”

She twisted in my embrace and reached up to touch my jaw. “Here’s something you need to know about me. When I’m at home, I need to burrow. I haven’t been able to do that here. Today, I walked in on an apartment full of people, and I wanted to cry.” She cupped my jaw with more firmness. “It was a dick move to go out there without pants on, but I felt like you weren’t listening. I need you to listen.”

I held her wrist so she couldn’t pull her hand away. “I don’t know what I’m doing, Mic. I’m screwing up and wondering how many chances I’ll get with you.”

“I should have said something sooner. It’s not entirely your fault. I’d planned on saying something today, but then...well, you know what happened. It all came to a head, and I ended up showing my ass to strangers, both literally and figuratively.”

That made me laugh. “Yeah, you did that.”

“I did. I’m serious about my need to go pantless. It needs to be a regular thing.” She fisted my T-shirt. “And I want to be withyou. Soon, we’re going to be a threesome, and we won’t have this time back, you know? I get that you’re a social creature, and I am too. But I can’t deal with it every day in what’s supposed to be my house.”

“It is your house, it is. And yeah, I’m social, but I’ve been a jackass this week. I have fallen for you in a huge way, and I don’t know what to do with that. Not when you’re only contemplating letting yourself fall. I guess…I don’t know, I guess I was giving myself some space.”

Michaela turned completely toward me and draped her leg over my hip until we were as close as we could get with her belly in the way. Her lips brushed mine, again and again, her fingers toying with the hair on the back of my neck.

“Moses, I know I’ve hurt you, but I’m not going to anymore. If you need space from me because this is all more intense than you’re prepared for or not what you’ve expected, I get that. But please, just tell me. I want to keep your heart and feelings safe.”

“I don’t want space from you. That’s the last thing I want. I’m your burrow, baby, and I’ve been falling down on the job. I’m here now, though. Settle in.”

“I’m settling.” She traced a finger along my cheekbone. “I don’t want to change you. I want you to have your friends. But can we compromise? Talk to me before you have people over. Obviously Yael is an exception. I don’t give a damn if she sees me without pants on. But maybe she can start knocking…you know, in case I want you to fuck me on the dining room table?”

“I think that sounds like a fair compromise. I’ll revoke my sister’s key. I wouldn’t want to hinder your need to be fucked on the dining room table.”

She grinned, snuggling even closer. “I like that you’re so selfless. That’s a lovely quality.”

Her mouth met mine in a languid connection, and my heart hammered, whatever distance I’d convinced myself I’d built up between us wiping away. It’d been an illusion anyway.

“I want to show you something,” I murmured against her lips.

“ I have to put on pants to see it?”

“No, baby. No pants required.”

Her eyes fluttered open, a smile behind them. “Then I’d love for you to show me.”

Tags: Julia Wolf Unrequited Romance