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She looked beautiful. I’d always regretted losing touch with her after I’d moved out to L.A. with Haven, but everything had been so rushed, so urgent, I’d hightailed it outta my hometown without looking back.

Seeing her, Murray, and Mo last night had been a surprise, for sure, but a welcome one. Santi, on the other hand…that was another story. I could’ve gone the rest of my life without reuniting with that man.

I introduced Yael around, and Clive made a hasty exit shortly after, but Haven, Liam, and Yael were great company.

She gripped my hand, giving me a serious look. “Don’t be mad.”

“Uh oh, that sounds ominous.”

“I invited the guys.” She bit her lip, waiting for my reaction.

“Are they here?” I asked without glancing around. I’d keep my eyes to myself for as long as I could. Seeinghimthe night before had thrown me off-kilter for longer than I cared to admit.

“They are. They’re in a booth near the back, trying to stay low key. They…, they didn’t know they were coming to see you tonight. They’re a little…I guess blown away wouldn’t be overstating it.”

My cheeks heated. “That’s a high compliment comin’ from the boys of Unrequited.” Of course I’d known them well before they were famous. Even before they were called Unrequited.

She laced her fingers with mine. “Can you come chat?”

I looked to Haven and Liam, who’d been absorbed into another group. When I caught Haven’s eye, she blew me a kiss, which I took as a sign she was perfectly fine where she was.

I followed Yael to the back of the club, subtly shaking my hips to the music playing through the speakers, ignoring the butterflies tumbling around in my stomach.

Mo sat on the outside of the booth. When he saw us coming, he stood, holding his hand out to me. I slipped mine into his, and he kissed the top of it.

“Mo,” I scolded, taking my hand back.

He bowed to me. The fool actually bowed, one foot behind him, dipping low at his waist. “I needed to kiss your golden hands, I’m sorry.”

With a sly grin, I held the un-kissed hand out to him. “You missed one.”

He took it, chuckling as he kissed it too. “You’re a little secret keeper, huh?”

I shrugged, focusing solely on Mo—not the other guys sharing his table. “It never came up.”

He laughed harder, slapping his leg. “It never came up, really? Oh, Maeve, you’re too damn much. Come sit down. Let me buy you a drink and worship at your feet.”

Yael slid in next to her brother, leaving the other side open for me. Without looking at the man already sitting there, I perched on the very edge, half of my butt hanging off the seat.

Murray, squished in on Mo’s other side, gave me a high five across the table.

“Hey, Mae-Mae. I didn’t even think that was you up there,” Murray said. “Even sitting across from me, I barely recognize you.”

“This is my badass alter ego.”

The man to the left scoffed under his breath. My eyes traveled down to his thick, jean-covered thighs, spread wide, taking up much more than his half of the booth. I chanced a glance higher up, stopping at his long, blunt fingers wrapped around a bottle of beer, and vein-lined forearms, partially covered in black and gray tattoos.

That was enough of Santiago Garza for one night. At least he didn’t have a woman wrapped around him this time.

Mo leaned forward, obviously more interested in me than he’d ever been back then. “When’d you start playing?”

“Seven. I taught myself the basics until I could figure out a way to sneak lessons. Those began when I was ten.”

Murray drummed his fingertips against the table. “And all those times you watched us practice, you never once thought about mentioning you were a drumming prodigy?”

“Prodigy might be an exaggeration.” I laughed off the question. I didn’t owe these guys an explanation. Yael had known, since we’d been friends. Her brother and Murray had been closer to acquaintances. And Santi…I didn’t know what to call him. Heartbreaker? Soul crusher? Jackass extraordinaire?

“What’s your situation with your band?” Mo asked.

Tags: Julia Wolf Unrequited Romance