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“The rats in our walls are not your pets, honey.” Theo meowed loudly, making sure I was aware of his presence on the other end of the line. “I hear my furry son.”

“He’s been a big baby since you left. And so up in my business, it’s annoying. Always talking my ear off, staring at me longingly. If he were a man, I’d dump his clingy ass.”

“No you wouldn’t. You love him, codependency and all. How are you, for real?”

Her sigh was heavy. “I miss you. And I didn’t get the part.”

I gasped, which made me cough, which made everything hurt. Santi came out of the kitchen, concern written all over his beautiful face. I tried to wave him off, but he ignored me and kneeled in front of me, checking me over.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“Oh my god, who’s that?” Haven squealed.

I covered my eyes with my hand. “I’m fine. I’m talkin’ to Haven, and she said something surprising.” I peeked out from my hand. He didn’t look convinced. “I’m really okay, Santiago.”

“Ooh, Santiago’s there? Tell him I say hi,” Haven said.

His mouth quirked, and he leaned closer to me. “Hi, Haven. How are you?”

Giving up, I put the phone on speaker. “Santiago Garza, Earl Grey drinker and heartbreaker. What is my lovely friend doing with you at this hour of the night?”

“It’s seven,” I said.

“A scandalous hour.” She did her best Victorian lady impression.

“Maeve’s sick. I’m trying to take care of her,” he said.

“Are you letting him, Maeve?”

“As much as I can,” I said. “He’s makin’ soup.”

“Ooh, impressive. I was just telling Maeve how much I miss her.” Theo meowed rudely. “And my cat.”

“He’s my child,” I corrected.

Santi gave me a crooked grin. “Didn’t know you were a mom.”

“Haven and I co parent Theodore Ignacius Longbottom. He’s terribly annoying and we love the little scamp dearly.”

“But one of his mothers has abandoned him,” Haven added.

“Make Liam love him,” I said.

Santi’s eyes narrowed. “That’s the guy from your bed?”

“Yeah. That’s Liam.” I had no interest in correcting whatever assumptions he’d made about our relationship.

With a sigh, Santi stood, his hands shoving into his pockets. “I have to go check on the soup.”

When he left, I took the phone off speaker. “Why does it sound like Santiago thinks Liam is your man?” Haven asked.

“It’s the story he came up with based on Liam and me lying in bed together. I haven’t corrected him.”


I shrugged, then realized she couldn’t see the gesture. “I don’t know. I guess, at the time, I wanted him to know other men desired me, even though he doesn’t. It’s juvenile, I know.”

“God, who hasn’t run into an ex or some pickle-dick who rejected them and wanted to flaunt their new man? That’s human nature, baby. And it’s not like Liam would find posing as your boyfriend a huge burden.”

Tags: Julia Wolf Unrequited Romance