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I took a sip, scrunching my nose. “I’ve had better.”

“That’s where Maeve works, right?”

I looked at my cup, then back at my brother. “Yeah, think so.”

He got up from his throne and made his way over to me, his sticks dangling from his hands. “Are you into her, Santi?”

I gave him an incredulous look. “No fucking way. She’s too young, and not my type at all.”

He cocked his head. “You think she’s ugly?”

“Not in the least.”

“Too fat?”

“God, Diego, don’t say shit like that.”

He backed up a step. “Idon’t think that. I think she’s fuck-hot, and I dig her round little body. I’d tap that ass from here to Houston.”

I snorted a laugh to keep myself calm enough not to strangle him. “Only to Houston?”

“I’d probably need a break, then I’d get going again, take her all the way west.”

Rolling my eyes, I waved him off. “Dude, you’re an idiot.”

He stayed quiet for a beat, rubbing his sticks together. “I really like her, man. Likereally. If you’re into her too—”

“I’m not. If she likes you too, then she’s yours.”

There wasn’t much I wouldn’t do for Diego. He was a good kid who’d had a shitty first half of his life. None of it was his fault, or mine for that matter, but that didn’t stop me from wanting to give him every-fucking-thing. Besides, my old man would tan my hide if he knew I was hitting on a girl Diego liked. If my spot for Diego was soft, Dad’s was complete mush.

“Yeah…well, we’ll see. A girl like that, she probably won’t want some scruffy, poor-as-shit drummer. I’m working on charming her until she forgets why I’m a terrible catch.”

I couldn’t help but laugh, even though I wanted to tear everything down in frustration. “Solid plan, baby bro.”

He grew serious, the corners of his mouth pulling down. “You think I stand a chance?”

“Yeah.” I clapped my hand on his shoulder, giving it a squeeze. “I think you do.”

And I’d swallow down every last one of my feelings to make sure he got one.

Tags: Julia Wolf Unrequited Romance