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“It hasn’t been mine for a long time. Take it.”

She grabbed it from me, holding it to her chest.

“I never should have let you go. I’m sorry. I knew it the second my skin stopped touching your skin, but Diego…”

She sipped her coffee. “Diego had a crush on me five years ago so he couldn’t know we were together?”

Stricken, I jerked back. “Were?”

She cupped her forehead. “I don’t know. It’s too early for me to think straight.”

“You have to think about if we’re still together? Fuck, baby girl. I love you. Not being together isn’t an option.” I took a step toward her, needy for some contact,anything, but she held her hand up.

“Were you thinkin’ that when you offered Diego his old job back without saying one damn word to me? Did you think I’d really want to be with you after that? Even if Ididwant to be with you, I’m not sure how that’d work. I want to drum, and tour, and make music. I’m going to have to start all over again, find a new band, but now that I’ve had a taste, I’m more determined than ever. I plan on callin’ Clark today to see if he has some ideas for me. The reality is, you’re goin’ your way, and I’ll be goin’ mine.”

Before I could respond, refute the utter bullshit spilling from Maeve’s mouth, Haven, Yael, and Liam came stumbling out of a bedroom. Well…Liam didn’t stumble. He pretty much supported the two women.

“You fucker,” Yael said, eyes narrowed on me. “I’m calling my brother.”

I shoved a hand through my hair. “There’s been a misunderstanding. An enormous one.”

Maeve must’ve overheard Diego and me talking, and I guessed she misconstrued something I said.

Haven poked at my chest, her eyes covered with dark sunglasses. “Fix it, you cock weasel.”

Liam tipped his chin at me. “I’m taking them out for donuts. We’ll…uh, be gone for a while.”

They exited the apartment, Yael waving her middle finger as the door closed.

I swung back around to face Maeve, who’d tucked herself in the corner of the worn leather couch, hoodie covering her lap. I took the seat next to her, but she kept herself away from me, shrinking farther into the cushioned arm.

“Let’s get this straight. You’re not leaving me.”

Her head swiveled so fast, she winced from the movement. “That’s not your decision.”

“I’m not getting into a debate about this. Not when you’re in pain. Just tell me what you heard.”

She took another sip of her coffee, keeping both hands tight around the paper cup.

“I heard you askin’ Diego if he wanted to come back to the band. You said Maeve would understand, and Mo and Murray would dig the idea. Like y’all had discussed it without me. I always knew my contract only went through the tour, but Clark informed me the label loved me and the decision was up to y’all. So, I guess you made the decision, but didn’t bother to tell me. I get that you’re lookin’ out for your brother, but where do I fit here? I will never be the girl you can drop when someone more important to you comes along. I can’t do that.” She pressed her hand to the center of her chest. “Doin’ that with Drew chipped off pieces of me, so gradually, I didn’t notice until I had half a heart left, and that half I was left with kind of hated me.”

Groaning, I ached from the pain I’d caused her and needed to tell her so fucking much to make it all better.

“I will never do that to you.” I pushed an escaped tendril of hair behind her ear, letting my knuckles graze her smooth cheek.

“You did do it,” she rasped.

“Everyone knows we’re together. Everyone important. My old man, Alicia, Diego, Mo, and Murray. You and me are for real.”

Her eyelids fluttered, long, sooty lashes brushing her cheeks. “I thought we were too.”

“We are.” Inhaling a deep breath through my nose, I dropped my hand back to my lap. “I want to tell you something no one outside our family knows. Can I?”

“Okay. Tell me.”

Tags: Julia Wolf Unrequited Romance