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“Why?” Damien looked at me lovingly. “I mean just look at her. Legs for days, an ass the size of Mount Everest and not to mention the sex. Don’t even get me started on the sex.”

I stood up from my seat abruptly, knocking it to the ground.

“I need the bathroom,” I excused myself and headed for the bathroom.

Thankfully, I saw the sign that said bathrooms and made a beeline straight for it. Damien was going overboard. I knew I should have stopped him but a part of me, a small part, enjoyed the fact that it was getting under Grayson’s skin.

I got into the bathroom and splashed some water on my face. Thankfully, I wasn’t wearing any makeup.

I looked at myself in the mirror and gave myself the once-over.

“You can do this. Just ignore him. He is a ghost, he isn’t even there,” I gave myself a little pep talk, but I didn’t think it was helping at all.

I steeled my back, ready to walk back out there again, when someone came through the door.

“What the hell, Grayson!”

He locked the door behind him and glared at me.

“Does your boyfriend know I fucked you eighty different ways last week?”

His comment caught me off guard. It took my mind a while to realize that he was talking about Damien.

“Grayson, I don’t have time for this. I don’t need to discuss my personal life with you. Now, please open the door so I can get out.”

“I don’t think so.” He stalked towards me. “So not only are you a liar, but you also happen to be a cheat. This look is really unbecoming, Jade.”

I crossed my arms over my chest. “Excuse me? What I do or don’t do is none of your concern. Now move.”

I stepped around him, but he grabbed my elbow, pulling me towards him. “We aren’t done here.”

I tried to rip my arm from his hold, but his grip was like iron.

“Let go,” I gritted out.


“What the hell is your problem, Grayson? For someone who claims to feel nothing, you are doing a crap job of showing it. Let me go. I want to eat and get out of here. I have a lot of work that needs to get done tonight.”

Grayson’s breathing came out heavy and labored. His wild eyes were searching mine. I could see the electricity pulsating between us. It felt like he was calling to me and my body was calling back. Our breaths mingled together as the tension between us filled the room.

I wanted nothing more than to lean forward and kiss him. To feel his touch again and to get lost in the taste of him. But I wouldn’t be the one to break first. He had said he felt nothing and that we were done. I wouldn’t be the one to initiate anything. If he wanted me, he would have to do it first.

I could see the want in his eyes. I could see the conflict swimming behind them.

“Fuck it,” he breathed, and then his lips were on mine in a tantalizing kiss.

Tags: Lexi Asher Lakeside Love Romance