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“Yeah, sure, but after we are done, we should go and get back to work.”

Damien placed his hand on the small of my back and ushered me into the restaurant. This was a new addition to the town center. It was said to be the best restaurant around.

We walked up to the hostess and asked for a table for two, but before she turned to seat us, I heard the shrill voice of Astrid.

“Voldie, is that you?”

I turned around to find Astrid standing behind me with a smug look on her face. Standing next to her was none other than Grayson. When I looked downward, their hands were laced together, and I felt my stomach drop.

“Astrid.” I gave her a tight-lipped smile. “Grayson.”

Astrid smirked while Grayson ignored me.

Damien looked between all of us in obvious curiosity. I sent him a look that said I would explain later.

“Won’t you introduce us to your friend, Voldie?”

I wanted to smack that grin right off Astrid's face. Instead I cleared my throat. “Damien this is Astrid and Grayson.”

“I didn’t know you had a man, Voldie. Looks like someone did learn to love that ugly little face of yours.”

I balled my hands into fists at my side, and Damien circled his arm around my waist to calm me down. It wasn’t working. When I looked at Grayson, I saw him look at Damien’s hand on my hip with red hot anger.

Thankfully, the hostess came back and was ready to have us seated.

“Okay. Bye.” I turned to make a swift exit.

“Wait, babe. Why don’t we sit with your old friends?”

My eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets. What was he doing? When I saw the playfulness in his eyes I knew that he was being classic Damien. He loved it when people found themselves in awkward situations. He always thought it was the funniest thing but I didn’t. My life was complicated enough that I didn’t want to add this on top of that.

“I’m sure they want to be left alone, right?” I wanted to pull out of his hold, but he locked his hand around my waist even tighter.

“Nonsense,” Astrid said in her stupidly sweet voice. “Gray and I would love to join you guys. I want to hear about how you two got together.”

I looked to Grayson for some kind of help, but his eyes were too busy locked on Damien’s hand on my hip.

My shoulders sagged in defeat. I allowed Damien to lead us to the table. He pulled out my chair and kissed my cheek. My eyes immediately snapped to Grayson who was staring daggers at me. I didn’t know what his problem was, but I was in no mood to deal with it today.

Damien sat beside me and beamed as if he had just won the lottery. He leaned over in his chair to whisper into my ear.

“So this is the infamous Grayson?” He pulled back and winked at me.

I had told Damien roughly what had been going on but had left some parts out namely that Grayson and I had sex. All he knew of Grayson was that he was my first love and now he hated me. The rest were details I wanted to keep to myself.

The waiter came to take our order. When the waiter left, the table fell awkwardly silent. Grayson looked at his plate angrily. Astrid was eyeing Damien and me. And Damien was smirking at me and playing with my hair.

To onlookers, it seemed like he was being affectionate with his significant other but, to me, it was just a gesture to piss someone off. I knew him well. He wasn’t doing this for me. He was doing it to get under Grayson’s skin and, from the looks of it, he was doing a great job.

I took a sip of my wine, suddenly feeling parched.

“So how long have you been together?” Astrid filled the silent space with noise.

“Two years and still going strong. Isn’t that right, pumpkin?”

I nearly spat my wine out. He was going too far.

“Wow, Voldie. I’m amazed you could keep a man for so long.”

Tags: Lexi Asher Lakeside Love Romance