Page 26 of Grumpy Billionaire

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“Party pooper,” she said, looking down at the package. “I’m on the pill and haven’t been with anyone in ages.”

She was driving me wild, standing there naked and flushed, her full lips slightly swollen from sucking my cock. “I haven’t either,” I said through gritted teeth. “It’s up to you. Just decide, please.”

She smiled at how frenzied I sounded. “I liked feeling you come inside me.”

It was official, she was trying to kill me. I reached for her, half blind with lust, felt her slick pussy skate across my fingertips as she straddled me, then growled my relief when her wet heat sheathed me all the way to my balls. I growled again, taking her hips and helping her ride me. I watched her face as she neared orgasm, then looked to where our bodies were joined. I reached between us, nudging her tender clit and working her until she thrashed and cried out. As she dug her fingers into my sides, still grinding her pussy around my cock, I came, feeling her clenching as she took my seed deep inside her.

“What do you do to me?” I asked when I regained my senses.

It might have been a few minutes or an hour later, but she lay beside me, stroking my shoulder, her leg thrown over my hip. I could have sworn she made me black out. The feel of her slippery pussy pressed against my side and her tits rubbing against my chest almost made me lose my senses again.

She chuckled tiredly. “Same thing you did to me,” she said. She tilted her head up to kiss my chin then collapsed against me again. “That was better than anything.”

I grumbled, satisfied and unsatisfied at the same time. My body was sated, though I was sure it wouldn’t be long before she had me rock hard again, but there was something wrong. My fear had crept back in. I really didn’t want to lose her now. Not to a stupid accident, and more importantly not to me being stupid. I didn’t want to ruin anything, but I wasn’t even sure there was anything to ruin.

“Ben?” she said, her hand going still against my shoulder.

I looked down at her. “What is it?” I asked.

“You got all tense.”

I slowly let out my pent up breath and relaxed. “I’m fine,” I told her.

She snorted and lightly slapped my chest. “That doesn’t fly for you when I say it.”

“Fair enough. Sorry.” I rolled to my side so we were eye to eye. Words rose in my throat and tripped over each other trying to express how I felt. Nothing came out but a wry smile. “I like being here with you right now.”

She kissed me and her eyes drifted shut. “That’s perfect, because I feel the same.”

After she fell asleep, I watched her until I convinced myself things might actually be all right and drifted off beside her.

Tags: Lexi Asher Billionaire Romance