Page 25 of Grumpy Billionaire

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She tasted like nectar as I licked her from bottom to top and back down again. I thrust my tongue deep inside her, gripping her hips to keep her down. Her moans were music to me, driving me on. Her legs trembled as I circled her clit with my tongue. She was so close. She said something unintelligible, trying to rock her hips. I drove inside her again and suckled her clit, her juices coating my cheeks as I pressed my face deep into her pussy. She made me feel high, like I was flying across the river again. I let go of her hips so she could writhe as much as she wanted as I pushed her over the edge. I was the one groaning as she came, soaking my tongue as I drew it away from her swollen clit to drive it deep inside her.

It had been a long time since I’d been with a woman and never with someone who aroused me the way Laurel did. Kissing the insides of her thighs, I rested my chin on her leg and watched her slowly return to her senses. It took every ounce of willpower not to drive my cock where my tongue had just been, wet and ready for me.

She weakly reached for my hair, tangling her fingers in it as she laughed. “That was… I can’t think, actually.” She tried to pull me up and finally flopped her arms bonelessly to her sides, smiling down at me.

“I thought it was pretty nice, myself,” I told her, earning another breathless laugh.

When did her laughter become my oxygen? There was no way I could stop now. My cock was bursting to be inside her, to feel that pussy I’d just tasted wrapped tight around me. I drew myself up to kiss her and she wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me close. A moment later, she wrapped her legs around my hips.

“Ready for more so soon?” I asked, barely holding on to sanity. She nodded, turning her face to nip at my earlobe. Shivers wracked through me and she pulled back with a naughty grin. How was I not fucking her already? I had already made her come, but it wasn’t enough that she was merely satisfied. I had to make her crave me as much as I craved her. “Here on the couch?”

She scraped her nails down my back. “Anywhere you want.”

The husky desire in her voice was the last straw. Reaching between us I guided my cock to her slick opening, first rubbing the head around her clit. She squeezed her legs around me and squeaked, tossing her head back again.

“Stop teasing me and fuck me,” she begged. She was so beautiful, especially all pink and sweaty and full of need. I plunged deep inside her pussy with one hard stroke and she reared up against me as she took all my length.

“Yes,” she moaned as I eased out of her.

She was so tight and wet and the way her hands roamed my body while her head thrashed, sending her raven tangles across the couch and into my face made me thrust harder and faster than I meant to. She stole the last drops of my control and I knew I couldn’t stop. She didn’t seem to mind. In fact, she gave as good as she got, pulling me down to her and gasping against my neck as she pushed up against me. I watched her face until I could see how close she was. I was even closer.

“Come again,” I commanded. I couldn’t wait anymore.

With a cry, she tightened around my cock. The release as I spilled into her was almost painful and I rocked inside her as long as I could, finally collapsing against her. She gently bit my shoulder and I rolled to the side, pulling her with me.

“I don’t mind taking those kinds of orders,” she murmured into my neck, her warm breath against my skin already making me hard again. She giggled and reached for me, idly stroking my cock. “Already? I’m impressed.”

I was impressed too, but not surprised. Not after the way she’d been making me feel since I first tussled with her by the cliff. Propping myself up on my elbow I studied her as she ran her hand up and down my shaft.

“You’re so beautiful,” I said. “I never take portraits, but I’d like to try and take yours.” I felt shy making the request.

I could already picture her with the blue sky as a backdrop, with natural light streaming down through the trees. Even with all the wonders of nature in the picture with her, I knew she’d steal the focus. I’d fuck her thoroughly first, so she’d have this same sated glow.

She turned her face to the side, shaking her head but unable to hide her smile. “I don’t know about that.”

I tipped up her chin and kissed her, parting her lips and slowly tracing my tongue along hers. I needed her again, but we were cramped together on the tweedy couch, the fibers clinging to our sweaty skin. Breaking the kiss long enough to jump up and scoop her off the couch, I turned toward the one hallway in the tiny house.

“Is this the way to the bedroom?”

She snuggled into my arms, making that tugging feeling in my chest swell stronger than before. “That way,” she said, tilting her head in the right direction.

In the bedroom, she poked me in the chest until I put her down and seconds later she had herself pressed against me, her arms around my neck and pulling my head down for a kiss. I maneuvered us toward the bed, finally falling backwards onto it. She stood there for a second laughing at me, stopping when she saw how intently I looked at her.

“Don’t get shy,” I pleaded. “I love looking at your body. It’s the best view in the area.”

Her cheeks turned red and she climbed on top of me, straddling my thighs. With that naughty look I already loved so much, she scooted backwards, leaning down until her lips were inches from my throbbing cock.

“This is a pretty good view,” she said, peeking up at me from her perch. “Pretty fun, too. I’d recommend it.”

I couldn’t find the energy for a retort because she took my length in her fist and ran it straight up from the base, rolling her thumb around my slippery head. “Christ,” I groaned, collapsing back to enjoy whatever she had to offer.

And she had plenty. It seemed like she was having a good time, like she was in a candy store, trying a little bit of this and a little bit of that. It was torture, but the best kind. She stroked and squeezed until I was pulsing, the blood pounding in my ears. When her lips wrapped around my cock and she slid my length deep into her mouth, I hollered at the wet, warm shock of it.

“I didn’t want you to fall asleep,” she said, going back to licking all around my sensitive tip.

“No chance of that,” I grunted, sure I’d spurt all over her in a few seconds. I should have won an award for hanging on. I reached blindly for her bedside table. We’d already been crazy and foolish once. I didn’t think I could take her unprotected again, but I needed to take her soon or she’d be wearing my seed on her pretty face. “Condoms?” She was stealing my ability to speak in full sentences.

With a disappointed pout, she pulled her lips away from my cock and scrambled off the bed, her legs trembling as she dug around in a vanity table drawer, finally coming up with a strip of them.

Tags: Lexi Asher Billionaire Romance