Page 27 of Grumpy Billionaire

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Chapter 14 - Laurel

I woke up before dawn out of habit to find Ben sleeping soundly beside me. Every last sensation of the night before rushed to my memory, and I lay there staring at him for a few minutes. God, he knew how to make me feel good. Great, in fact. Maybe too great, since I could stand to get used to such treatment.

I’d only had a few encounters before, one during my year-long attempt at college where I thought I’d fallen in love, and then a few with summer tourists. No one who lived in Keen Arrow was a viable option for a real relationship, and I’d learned the hard way that long distance didn’t work. I didn’t want to leave and nobody wanted to give up their lives to move here to be with me, so it always ended at that impasse. Still tingling from his touch, his lips, that massive thick cock of his, I considered what life might be like somewhere else. It couldn’t be too bad if I had Ben to come home to every night.

But New York City? Dirty, loud, crowded. Would I take to rappelling off buildings? BASE jump off the Brooklyn Bridge?

I slipped out of bed, feeling like a fool for thinking so far ahead. One night of delicious orgasms, and I was decorating our fantasy apartment together. It was just that, a fantasy. He’d leave eventually and I’d mope around for a while but get over it like I always did.

Yeah, make yourself believe that, I thought.

Before I went into the bathroom, I looked at his muscular back, the sheet hanging low around his hips. A smile took over my face, and I couldn’t stop it. I was giddy from watching him sleep. In the shower, I gave myself a firm lecture, all about how little I needed this complication in my life. If he hadn’t shown up when he did, I might be on my way to fame and fortune. Or at least have a few more solid sponsors, so I could quit one of my part time jobs and have more time for climbing. I knew I should cut my losses now and save on the heartache. The more time I spent with Ben, the harder it would be when he left.

Great, now I was hoping he’d stay indefinitely like he threatened, instead of wishing for him to leave sooner so I could do my cliff jump. There was no way I could ask him again, not after last night. It would seem cheap and shallow. He’d be right to hate me. The jump was off until he left and until I got over my broken heart.

“Damn it,” I whispered when I saw him still sleeping.

He’d rolled over and I could see his handsome face, innocent and sweet with his eyes closed and his hair all messy from me clutching at it while he made me scream. Not innocent, but definitely sweet. Damn it. His eyes opened and he beckoned to me.

“Come back to bed.”

I was in his arms a second later, floating away on a cloud of desire and denial as he kissed me. I pushed the sheets down, reaching for his throbbing cock, as ready for me as I was for him. His thick shaft filled my hand, hot and hard. I ran my thumb along the silky smooth skin, shivering as I watched him drop his head onto the pillows and lick his lips. Those lips of his had worked marvels on me the night before. I wanted everything, all at once. I was shaking with greed for his body.

“I want you so much,” I said, nibbling on his shoulder.

“Anything,” he said. I squeezed and slid my hand up the length of him, feeling the thick moisture at the head of his cock. “Anything you want, I’ll do for you.”

I was stunned by the honesty in his choked voice, the raw emotion. I felt myself opening up to him, my heart swelling with almost painful longing. I had him right now, that had to be enough. Sitting up to straddle him, I knew it wouldn’t be.

He reached for my hips to hold me at bay, but I was too needy and I pushed my body against his, feeling his iron length pulsing against my pussy. I rubbed against him for a few seconds, savoring when the tip brushed my tender clit. I gasped and kept teasing both of us that way, just letting him stroke along my swollen slit while he reached up to fondle my breasts.

The combination of him rolling my nipples between his thumb and fingers and his hard heat against my clit made me come, grinding against him while I gasped at the pure ecstasy. He slid his hands down the side of my body and guided his cock inside me while my orgasm still rocked through me. Feeling him drive his cock deep inside me made me come again and I held onto his shoulders, blindly riding him as he thrust hard and fast.

“Ah fuck, this might be quick,” he said, his eyes squeezed tightly shut. He tried to slow his movements, but I swiveled my hips against him.

“Don’t you dare stop,” I gasped.

I had never been so wet, so open, so alive. I needed him to keep going. To feel that hot burst inside me. I flattened myself against him and he wrapped his arm around my ass, pushing me closer. A second later he flipped me onto my back, pushing my knees to my chest as he rammed deep and hard. He stopped there, his eyes shut tight and his arm muscles shaking.

“I want this to last,” he gasped.

I slipped my hand around to stroke his balls, feeling a heady sense of power as I felt him losing his battle. “We have the whole day,” I said. “Come inside me, Ben.”

With a growl, he snaked his hand between our bodies and the moment his fingers smoothed against my aching clit, I came a third time. I realized I had clamped down on his shoulder with my teeth, trying to muffle my cries as this orgasm almost put me into a state of shock. He kept fingering me as he came inside me, coaxing out every last ounce of pleasure until we lay in a sweaty tangle of sheets.

I couldn’t move, could barely breathe as my body recovered from the exquisite torture he’d put me through. I already couldn’t wait to do it again.

“I can’t get enough of you,” he said, kissing my forehead. “God, the way your body responds to me.”

“Don’t get too smug,” I said, reaching up to rub the bite marks I left on his shoulder. “Actually, I guess you can be as smug as you want if you keep making me feel that way.”

“I’ll keep making you feel that way,” he promised. “Give me a minute.” He rolled to his side and looked at me with a wicked grin. “Actually, my cock might need a minute but my tongue doesn’t.”

“Oh my God.” I didn’t know if I could handle it, but spread my legs and pushed his head downward all the same, eager to find out.

Thump, thump, thump.

The pounding at the door made me jump half a foot off the bed. Shakes hollered from the porch that I needed to get my ass in gear if we were going to get to the other side of the mountain before noon.

Tags: Lexi Asher Billionaire Romance