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After taking another moment to look at her, I forced myself to walk away before I said something she wasn’t ready to hear. But as I walked past her, she reached out and grabbed my hand. “Ink.”

I stilled, brushing my hand down my face, fighting against the welcome heat of her touch on my skin. I couldn’t look at her. Feeling her eyes on me was powerful enough to aggravate my need to kiss her again—only this time, I wouldn’t stop. I wouldn’t have the control to pull away…not until she was mine in every goddamn way.

She didn’t say anything, and I braved a quick glance down at her, her dark brown eyes burdened with unspoken words. But I saw it. I saw that which she couldn’t say.

Wait for me. Her eyes were begging me to, pleading for me to not give up.

I took her hand, leaned forward, and pressed a desperate kiss against her fingers, a silent promise that I would wait for her. No matter what.

I’ll wait.

Closing my eyes, I gathered every ounce of strength I had to let go and walk away. I had to. The connection between us was intensifying, growing stronger while it weakened me. I couldn’t afford to lose control now and risk pushing her away. Not when she was closer to me than she had ever been.



Ink didn’t come backto join us once the burgers were done. And while everyone took part in some casual conversation about everyday, mundane stuff, I sat there picking at my food, wondering what was happening between me and Ink. For years, he made it clear he had sex on his mind when it came to me. But things were different now. There was a determination in his eyes whenever he looked at me, something he never had before. For the last few months, all I’d done was shut him out, shooting down his advances, refusing to accept his help. But if I was truly honest to myself, I’d admit he somehow managed to become this huge part of my life. There was something about knowing he was there for me that lifted some weight off my shoulders.

The old me would never have allowed him close enough to kiss me. The old me didn’t allow any man to get close enough—not after the one man I loved with all my heart tore it to shreds, leaving me to fall in a puddle of pathetic mess. It took me years to pick myself up, and it was only when the Kings found me that I finally had the strength to rise above the pain of a broken heart. After that, I made myself a promise that I would never allow anyone to get so close to me again or give a man that kind of power over me. Never. But this time, everything was different. I was different. Ink was different. My entire outlook on life was different.

“Tell me you’ll at least consider it.” Alyx’s voice broke through my thoughts.

I stared at her, confused.

“The tattoo.” Alyx glanced from me to Red and back at me. “Red’s work is amazing, and it’s not like you haven’t done it before. You have the Kings patch inked on your neck. And this date,” she reached for my wrist and held it up, “which I’m still trying to get you to tell me what date this is, exactly.”

I pulled my hand from her grasp. “It’s March twenty-first, two thousand and fourteen. You can read, can’t you?”

“Well, I mean I can see what the date is,” she flicked her hair over her shoulder. “I just want to know what makes this date so important that you’d permanently wear it on your skin.”

I traced a fingertip over the numbers, remembering that day like it was yesterday. “Maybe one day.” I looked at her, forcing a smile. “I’ll tell you someday.”

“Over pancakes?” She winked, and I had to let out a laugh.

“Feed me pancakes, and I’ll take my secret to the grave.”

She nudged my shoulder. “So, you’ll think about it? The tattoo?”

“Yeah,” I conceded. “I’ll think about it.”

“Great. Red will be staying with us a few days, so don’t think too long, okay?”

“Oh, my God,” I huffed. “You putting a timestamp on my decision, Swan Lake?”

“Sure am. Knowing you, you’ll just stall on the whole decision-making until everyone eventually forgets.” Alyx grinned. “I’m not forgetting this one.”


Dutch took a seat across from us, sneaking glances at Red every now and then. Crossing my arms, I smirked, leaning back in my seat. “You okay over there, Dutch?”

“Huh?” Poor schmuck didn’t realize I noticed the way he looked at Red.

“Pretty, ain’t it?”

He took a sip from his beer. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“The day. It’s a pretty sunshiny day…isn’t it?”

Tags: Bella J. American Street Kings Dark