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I turned the accelerator, going faster, but he kept on my tail, refusing to slow down.

Judging by the pain in my chest, I knew there had to be tears, yet I didn’t feel it, the wind sweeping them up or drying them out. Good. If I had to taste my sorrow, I didn’t think I’d be able to be strong enough to try to get away from him.

The sound of his Harley got louder, and from the corner of my eye, I saw him ride up next to me. “Pull over!”

“Leave me alone!”

“No. Pull the fuck over.”

“Go away, Onyx.”

“Fuck!” He sped up and pulled in front of me, making it impossible for me to accelerate. He was blocking me off and slowing down little by little. Trying to go to the left, he moved in the same direction. He did the same when I tried to go right, desperate to overtake him.

What the fuck was he doing?

“Pull over!” He waved his right arm, but I didn’t want to. I didn’t want to pull over only to look in those blue orbs of temptation—a temptation I had no business succumbing to.

I kept my bike steady behind him when I heard the sirens of a cop car.Fuck!

“Goddammit!” There was no other option. I had to pull over. The last thing I needed was more heat from the cops.

Onyx slowed down, and so did I, pulling into the parking lot of a building that seemed abandoned this time of night.

I hung my head down without switching off the ignition, my hands still gripping the bars.

“What the fuck, Wraith?” Onyx stomped in my direction when I heard the slam of the car door behind me. “Are you trying to get yourself killed?”

I almost fucking laughed. “You were the one who kept on cutting in front of me.”

“Ma’am, turn off the motorcycle,” the cop ordered as he approached us.

With a sigh, I switched off the ignition. I didn’t look at him when he stopped next to us.

“Do you have any idea how fast you were going? And not to mention riding without a helmet.”

Jesus. I did not need this right now.

“Onyx, next time you call in a favor, make sure you don’t break a thousand and one laws.”

I snapped my head in their direction, and I looked from the cop to Onyx.

“Yeah. Sorry about that.” He reached out, shaking the guy’s hand. “Appreciate it, though.”

The cop nodded. “Remember you owe me one.”

“Excuse me! What the fuck is going on here?”

“Ma’am, have a good evening,” he said, all fucking polite, like there wasn’t a giant question mark on my goddamn face.

I got off my bike. “That was you?” I glared at Onyx.

The smug grin on his face was enough to answer my question.

“Jesus,” I muttered. “Of course it was you. Goddamn Kings run this city.” I turned and leaned with my hands on my bike.

“I wasn’t about to let you get away again.”

“So, you used a cop on your payroll?”

Tags: Bella J. American Street Kings Dark