Page 67 of Mafia Prince

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He nodded, his eyes conveying his approval. Like me, he knew this had gone on for long enough. They had ruined enough lives. But their worst mistake? Trying to ruin my life. Her life. Our life.

As we approached the warehouse, about half a dozen SUVs parked outside, I felt the adrenaline pumping through my veins, crashing against bone.

Switching off the ignition and getting out of the car happened all at the same time. The dark, heavy clouds which started to cover the colors of sunset created an even more ominous feel. It was like I could smell the mayhem, the chaos…the death in the air. For years, I had killed and disposed. I embraced the darkness of the hole which was left in my chest after Layla ripped my heart out. But when she came storming back into my life, she reminded me of the man I once was. How I had loved her with all my heart. And for the one night we had shared together, I cherished every moment because it felt good being that man again…for her. But tonight I would be the heartless son of a bitch again, only this time it would beforher instead ofbecauseof her. Kill and dispose.

Antonio got out of the car. “Lorik just called. He’s got Karina safely out of town.”

“Good. One less thing to worry about.” I looked around. “Where’s the cargo?”

Lucio joined us. “It’s inside the warehouse.”

“And the Mancusos?” I hardly finished my question when a convoy of Bentleys came driving toward us.

From the corner of my eye, I noticed Lucio reach for his gun, but I stopped him. “Not yet. Not until we know Layla is safe.”

“Oh, come on. I’ve been psyching myself up the entire way here.”

My response was a glare which silently told him to cut the crap.

The cars stopped, one next to the other. I buttoned my suit jacket, my shoulders squared and my hatred raw. I hoped to God they weren’t under the impression that we were here to negotiate. It was simple. They had to give me back my woman…and then we torched their fucking drugs.

Antonio stepped in next to me, menace swirling around us as if the devil himself had joined our little carnival of conflict.

“You ready?”

I inhaled deeply. “Oh, I’m ready.”

My dad stepped up front, but I grabbed his hand. “This not your fight, Father.”

“Whenever it concerns one of my children, it’s my fight.”

He turned back, and we all watched as Stefano emerged from the car. Antonio let out a low snarl next to me, and my fists balled at my sides.

“Lorenzo,” Stefano started, “mind telling me what this is all about?”

“You know what this is about.”

He looked at me and my brother before turning his attention back to my father. “I’m afraid I don’t.”

“Where is she, Stefano?”

“You’re going to have to be more specific than that.”

It had only been two minutes, and I was done waiting.

I brushed past my dad, glaring at Stefano. “Layla. Where is she?”

His eyebrows knit together. “Please tell me this isn’t all about jealousy.”

“Where is she?”

“My dear boy, you have to accept that Layla is with my son now.”


Stefano remained cool and aloof while he stood a few feet behind his bodyguards. “Clearly, you still need to learn how to accept defeat.”

My jaw clenched, and my heart was about to claw its way out of my throat.

Tags: Bella J. Erotic