Page 56 of Mafia Prince

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“This is insane.” Antonio paled, roughing his hands through his ink black hair.

“This is the only way.” He shook his head, but I continued. “I’m going to try to eliminate Matteo best I can.”

“What?” Antonio’s gaze shot to mine. “That’s insane.”

“If I kill Matteo, Stefano won’t have much left to fight with. Enzio is dead, and once Matteo is too, Stefano will have nothing, and the war would be over.” I sat back in my seat. “And then they will be safe.”

Antonio didn’t argue. He was intelligent enough to know my plan had the potential to work in favor of everyone…even me. With the knowledge that my family was safe, I would die a happy woman. Without the shadow of a doubt, I would gladly give up my life for them…for them both.

The last four years had only been a preparation for this day. From the day I stepped out of that house, running from Dante, I had sealed my fate. This was what it all would boil down to.

Antonio parked the car at the side of the road. Matteo’s black Bentley was already there waiting. Bile threatened to push up my throat, my stomach twisted and heavy. The blood running through my veins would have been nothing but ice if it hadn’t been burning with a lust for poison.

I righted myself and tucked blonde strands behind my ears. “Okay, this is it.” But Antonio grabbed my hand and turned to me, his gaze penetrating straight to my soul.

“I was so incredibly wrong about you, Layla. And I’m sorry for that.” His gaze was filled with sincerity, and it warmed my heart to finally know Antonio no longer saw me as a threat. That he knew how much I had loved his brother.

I smiled even though fear was tightening around my gut like a vise. “Just promise me you will do your part.”

He nodded. “I won’t let you down. I’ll take care of him, I promise.”

Just as I started to get out of the car, Antonio grabbed my elbow. “Take this.” He placed a tiny blade in the palm of my hand. “It’s not much, but it’s something, at least. It’s small enough to hide…just in case.”

I shot him a grin. “Thanks.” I placed the blade on the inside of my sleeve.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. This was probably the last time I would see Antonio or any of the Valentis. In my mind, I thought of Dante, his face, his touch, his kiss. I embraced the memories we had made the night before and made sure I would hold onto them forever.

I exhaled. “Goodbye, Antonio.” And then I got out of the car just as Matteo emerged from his. He stared at me victoriously as I walked across the road to him. That smug grin on his face and the evil that lurked in his eyes made my skin crawl. It caused my bravery to falter—just for a second, until I reached for a memory where I sawhisface, a face I hadn’t seen in months. A face I would never see again. A face which was the reason behind every decision I had ever made. It was also the face of the one who had defined my life, changing it forever.

Hewas the one who deserved my sacrifice. The one who made it all worthwhile.

Hewas my son.

Chapter 17


I was going to kill him.

I was going to take my knife and drive it through his fucking heart. That was what it felt like to me when Antonio drove away with my woman.

“Where is he taking her?”

Lucio shrugged. “Fuck me if I know. I’ll get a car and see if I can track him.” He rushed back into the house just as my dad came out.

“What the hell is going on?”

I kicked at the ground. “Your fucking oldest son just signed his own goddamn death warrant.”


I stalked up to him, clenching my teeth. “Hear me now, Father. If Antonio is taking her back to Mancuso, I will kill him. I swear to God, I will slit his throat.”

He didn’t say anything as I stomped back into the house. All I thought about was Castello’s words. I would slit the throat of anyone who threatened my woman…even if it was my own fucking blood.

From outside, I heard another car speed across the asphalt. By the way the car was revved, I knew it was Lucio. He was going to try to track Antonio. And me? I was getting fucking answers.

“Kate!” I yelled like an enraged demon. The rage, the anger, it felt like I could slam my fist through a brick wall.

Tags: Bella J. Erotic