Page 3 of Mafia Prince

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“Okay, okay. I’m looking.”

I noticed her glance my way every few seconds, making sure I was actually watching the sunrise rather than napping off.

The sun slowly rose. My room used to be on the other side of the house, but after I learned how much she loved watching the sunrise, I switched rooms with Antonio so she could have the sunrise whenever she spent the night.

She twined her fingers with mine, her gaze fixed on the horizon. “The sunrise is one of the most amazing things to witness. The birth of a new day.” She glanced at me. “Do you realize how many people didn’t get this chance to watch this exact sunrise? And for how many people this will be the last sunrise they ever see?” She looked back out the window. “We should never take this for granted, Dante. Being able to share a new day together.”

I was no longer looking out the window. I was watching her. Her face. The way it lit up, the glow of the sun making it seem like her amber eyes had streaks of gold. It was the most amazing sight.Shewas the most amazing sight.


I couldn’t even look out my goddamn window without thinking of her. It had been five years. Why could I not forget her? She had probably long forgotten me…wherever the fuck she was in the world. For months I searched for her, called in every favor owed to me in a bid to find her. But it was like she had disappeared off the face of the fucking Earth.

I took a deep breath. Thinking about her too much made my chest hurt. I slipped on my jacket and grabbed my phone before heading out the door.

It wasn’t even six in the morning yet, and I walked right into Antonio as he passed down the hall.

I cocked a brow. “I see you’re still roaming the halls like a fucking vampire.”

Antonio crossed his arms. “I was rudely awakened by multiple footsteps and realized it was guests trying to quietly slip out of the house. Twins, actually. Know anything about it?”

I palmed my cock and adjusted my pants. “Nope. I’m afraid not, big brother.”

“Uh-huh. Remind me to check with security, then. Someone is obviously not doing their job.”

“Speaking about security,” I fell in to step next to him, “I need my phone checked. I’ve been getting weird phone calls.”

“Weird phone calls?”

“Yeah. Whoever is phoning me keeps hanging up whenever I answer.”

Antonio stopped and turned to face me. “Prank calls?”

“I don’t know.”

“Get Lorik on it.”

“Get me on what?”

Antonio and I both turned and saw Lorik sauntering toward us.

I scoffed. “Jesus. Does no one sleep in this fucking house?”

“I’m still trying to get used to living in this big as fuck house.” Lorik stepped in next to me.

“You’ve been living in this big as fuck house for the last six months.”


I cocked a brow. “Who gives a fuck?”

Lorik frowned at me. “Is there a reason you’re all up in my balls at six in the morning?”

I slapped him on the shoulder, and he stared at me with a giant what-the-fuck look on his face. “Lorik, you are two weeks away from marrying my little sister, for whom I care a great deal. As in, I would turn your testicles inside out if you so much as make her frown for even a second. So why would I have any reason to be all up in your balls?”

Lorik blinked. “And here I was, thinking you were the brother I actually liked.”

I grinned. “Iamthe brother you actually like. But that doesn’t mean I won’t break your spine if you fuck with my sister.”

Tags: Bella J. Erotic