Page 39 of Mafia Princess

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After a quick clean-up, I was dressed and walking into his living room. He was sitting on the couch, his elbows on his knees, clutching his hands in front of him.

“Don’t look so grim, Detective.”

He took a deep breath before rubbing his hands up and down his thighs. “I’m everything but grim.”

“Well, good, then.” I sauntered past him, and as I reached for the door handle, he came up behind me, reaching over my shoulder and pushing his hand against the door.

He leaned closer, his breath skidding across my neck. “Tomorrow.”

“Excuse me?”

He pushed his body up against mine, and I closed my eyes, struggling to breathe.

“I want to see you tomorrow.”

I grabbed the door handle. “You’re insane.”

He wrapped his hand around mine, keeping me from opening the door. “Tell me I’ll see you tomorrow.” His lips grazed my naked shoulder, and I shuddered.

“Technically,” I started, sounding out of breath, “it’s already tomorrow. So, you’re asking if you can see me later?”

“Are you a smart ass?”

“Far from it. If I was smart, I never would have come here in the first place, and we never would have done this.”

“But you did, and we did do it. Twice.”

“Yes…we did.”

I leaned my head to the side, giving him more access to kiss up my neck until he reached my ear. “And we’re going to do it again, princess,” he took my earlobe and sucked it into his mouth before letting it go, “very soon.”

I gasped at the promise of being with him again. My body was already craving it, hanging on to the anticipation of having him inside me again. Apparently, this man had the power to turn me into a little tramp.

The second he let go of my hand and stepped back, I was out the door. I couldn’t risk giving him half a chance to seduce me again. The first two times happened too easily, and I had this daunting feeling in the pit of my stomach that the third time would be even easier…and the fourth, and the fifth…

Chapter 13


I leaned with my forehead against the door.

Karina left about ten minutes ago, but I couldn’t tear myself away from that goddamn door. It felt like I had the worst goddamn hangover ever. The only difference between this hangover and the one I had last weekend was this one had nothing to do with alcohol. Or maybe it wasn’t a hangover, but more like a craving, a withdrawal. Yes, that was what it was, a withdrawal. The more I thought of that damn Italian woman naked and spread in front of me, the more it felt like I was about to claw my own skin off.

I took a deep breath, and I swore to God I could still smell her vanilla and honey scent around me…on me. Instantly, my cock hardened.What the fuck?It was like it suddenly had the capacity to come out and play every damn ten minutes. How many times in my goddamn life had I wished, prayed to have an ever-ready cock? And here he was, ever-ready, it seemed, for the one woman I definitely wasn’t supposed to fuck in the first place. She was right, it never should have happened—twice. But it did. And it was the best sex of my life. My cock would be thanking me for this experience for a very,verylong time.

My phone rang somewhere in the apartment, and I turned and searched the living room for the damn thing. I didn’t have a clue where I put it down. Honestly, everything that happened during the last few hours was a little hazy, except for the part where I was buried balls deep inside Karina Valenti, the very well-known Boston mafia princess.God, I’m such an idiot.

The damn phone continued to ring, and I started tossing shit around looking for the thing. Finally, I found it under the couch, and I had no idea how it got there.

I lifted the couch and grabbed my phone. It was Anderson. Why the hell was he calling me at—I glanced at my watch—four in the morning?

“It’s a little early for a booty call, don’t you think?”

“Stone, cut the crap. Where were you last night?”

I frowned. “I’m sorry, but how is that any of your goddamn business,partner?”

“Were you at Vertigo?”

Tags: Bella J. Erotic