Page 24 of Mafia Princess

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“Are you threatening me?” Enzio spat out with his cheek glued to the wall.

“You bet your ugly Italian fucking ass I am. If you value those tiny shriveled balls of yours, you’ll pretend this woman doesn’t even exist. And if I suspect you’re anywhere near her, I will cut out your testicles, shove them down your throat, and then piss on your goddamn forehead. You feel me?”

Oh, Jesus Christ. What the hell was Lorik doing?

Dante grabbed Lorik by the shoulder and pulled him back. All I could do was stand to the side and watch as Lorik dragged himself into the middle of my mess. Why would he do that? Why would he defend me? Against Enzio Mancuso, of all people. I had no idea if I found that unbelievably foolish, or extremely hot. By the way Lorik’s brown eyes turned a dark, gloomy black as he continued to glare at Enzio, I’d say it was the latter. About ten minutes ago, Lorik was a very attractive detective. Now he was an incredibly sexy, hot as hell man who would cause my panties to hit the floor in record time. What was it about men getting all protective and turning into alpha males over a woman that had females swooning and dropping underwear like they were on fire?

Enzio dusted off his jacket and straightened his collar while the rest of his entourage flocked around him. Funny how a man with a crew of minions still got face planted against a wall by one very determined man. And by the way that Enzio glowered at Lorik then turned his stare of death on me, he knew he was about three seconds away from getting his ass handed to him.

Good news—now Enzio knew to be more careful about just tossing his arrogant comments around. Bad news—Enzio wouldn’t let this go that easily. I was one hundred and sixteen percent sure Enzio would want Lorik’s head on a stick by this time next week.


Enzio’s stare settled on me, and I could feel it slither over my body. “A detective, Karina? That’s a new low, even for you.”

Lorik jerked forward, but Dante kept a tight hold on him. All I could do was look back at Enzio without saying a word. It was my own fault. I brought this all onto myself by falling for his lies years ago. Even though I’d like to, I couldn’t put all the blame on Enzio. Yes, he was an asshole with no heart, but I had my own damn stupidity to blame too. I guessed I should be thankful he hadn’t used my past against me—yet.

Enzio let out a maniacal laugh before walking off. With his back toward me, I finally managed to take a breath.

When Dante let go of Lorik, I walked up to him. My initial intention wasn’t to lash out at him. But the minute I got close and stared into his eyes, I couldn’t help myself. I started poking my finger right in the middle of his chest as I stepped forward, forcing him to step back. “What the hell were you thinking? Do you have a goddamn death wish, Detective?”

“Are you kidding me?” Lorik pointed in Enzio’s direction. “That fucker was basically begging me to kick his ass.”

“So what, you just go around kicking every arrogant prick’s ass who happens to come your way?”

He paused and narrowed his eyes. “Is that a trick question?”

“Oh, my God! You are the most stubborn, hot-headed guy I have ever met.”

“Compared to who?”


He rubbed his jaw. “You said I’m the most stubborn, hot headed—”

“I know what I said, goddammit.”Why am I so damn angry?

“So, who are you comparing me to when you say that?”

“Jesus. What does it matter?”

“Karina?” Lorik kept his gaze locked on mine.


He arched a brow. “Why are you acting so crazy right now?”

“I don’t fucking know!” I pulled my palm down my face.

And then the corners of Lorik’s mouth started to slowly creep up into a smug grin. The darkness in his eyes disappeared, replaced with an impish glint as he stared at me. It was like he just realized he knew something I didn’t.

“Can I get you a drink?” He was still smiling, and all my focus was drawn to his mouth, full lips making me wonder what they would taste like. How they would feel pressed hard against mine. What was I thinking? A few minutes ago, we were in the middle of a situation which could have ended in mayhem and bloodshed. Yet here I was, thinking about how it would feel to have Lorik’s tongue down my throat.Nice.

A voice came from behind me. “Karina.”


I turned slowly, knowing there were two very protective and probably very angry Italian men waiting for me to explain what the hell just happened.

Tags: Bella J. Erotic