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“No,” she quickly admitted. “Who has the time? I’ve been trying to build my career and keep running up against walls. Well, walls in business suits with penises.” He shot her a look of shock, making her giggle. “Let’s just say that I’m fighting to get into the boys club and losing—miserably.”

“The corporate world is tough—you just need to learn to be tougher,” he said, taking the plate that she handed him.

“Yeah, well, that’s easy for you to say. I’m betting that you have a penis,” she said. Ace choked on the bite of food that he took and she smiled. “And you seem to like to wear business suits. I mean—you wear them well,” she quickly added.

Ace wiped his mouth and nodded, “Um, thank you,” he said. “And yes, I have a penis. Sometimes, it’s easier to blame others for circumstances that seem unchangeable. But this is something you can change, Trinity. Just find your window of opportunity and take it.” If only it was that easy, she’d have life all figured out.

She sat down in his chair behind his desk, needing some space from where he sat on the big leather sectional that took up half his office. She could feel Ace’s eyes on her as she shoveled in a big bite of food and hummed her appreciation at how good it tasted.

“Good?” Ace asked.

“Yes,” she said. “I haven’t eaten all day and this is beyond good. I’ve never ordered from this place before.”

“It’s my favorite Asian restaurant. Usually, I’d grab a bagful of food and head home or to the bar, after a long day here. But now, I have Arabella, and I’m thinking that some of my old habits won’t fly,” he said. Ace looked over to the crib where he had laid his daughter and smiled. “She’s worth it though,” he admitted. “I’d give up just about anything to have her in my life.” Trinity’s heart felt like it was racing in her chest. What was it about a man and his baby? Not that Ace was ugly, by any stretch of the imagination, but when he was taking care of Arabella or just holding her, he was a hundred times sexier.

“I’m glad that Charity had me bring her to you,” she admitted. “Arabella deserves the best childhood and I’m betting that you’re the one who will give her that, Ace.”

“I appreciate you saying that Trinity. She’ll have you too,” he said. “Despite your inappropriate use of nicknames for my daughter, I think you’ll be one kick-ass aunt.” What was it about this man that made her giddy with just one small compliment? She was ready to gush like a stupid school girl if he kept it up.

“Thanks,” she said, shoveling in another bite of food. “I appreciate you letting me be a part of her life.”

“Not a problem,” Ace said.

“When can I see her again?” Trinity asked. She knew she sounded a bit pushy but she couldn’t help it. She loved spending the evening with Arabella and if she was being completely honest, she loved spending time with Ace too, although she’d never tell him that.

“How about tomorrow night?” he asked. “I have an important dinner meeting and I was going to see if her daycare teacher could sit for me. You’d be saving me from having to invite Miss Ashley into my home. I’m afraid she’d never leave once she’s in there,” he teased.

Trinity giggled, “Yeah—I think she’s your number one fan.” The idea of Ashley spending time at Ace’s place with Arabella made her cringe. She was hoping to get to spend time with both Ace and her niece, but a night playing with Arabella sounded perfect.

“How about it?” he asked when she didn’t answer.

“I’d love to sit with Bella while you have your dinner meeting. Hand me your cell phone,” she ordered, standing to cross his office. He looked at her like she had lost her mind and she wiggled her fingers at him as if demanding that he comply with her request. “Just trust me, Ace,” she said.

“Fine,” he said, handing her his cell.

She grabbed it from him and programed in her number and handed it back to him. “There,” she said. “Now you have my number and you can just text me your address and what time you need me there. I have a pretty light day tomorrow at work, so I can be there any time after four. Does that work for you?” she asked. He made a face and she rolled her eyes. “It’s a simple yes or no question, Ace,” she teased.

“Right—well, I need to be on the opposite side of town and won’t be able to pick up Arabella, drop her off to you at my place, and get back across town to my meeting. Could you possibly pick her up from daycare?”

“And get to see Miss Ashley again?” she grumbled. “I’d love to,” she fibbed. Ace chuckled and stood from his spot on the sofa.

“Thanks, Trinity,” he breathed, pulling her in for a quick hug. She looked up at him when he released her and smiled.

“For what?” she asked.

“For giving up your Friday night to watch my kid. For chipping in and helping me with my daughter. I wasn’t sure how I was going to go it alone. You showing up here today and asking to help me out with Arabella—well, you’re a lifesaver.” She felt those same damn giddy butterflies in her belly at his latest compliment, and she wasn’t sure what to say next.

“You’re welcome,” she squeaked. She made a show of looking at her watch and then back at him. “I need to be going. I have some work to do at home tonight,” she said. “I’ll pick Bella up from daycare at four and I’ll still need your home address.”

“Of course,” he agreed. “I’m going to head out with Arabella in a few minutes and as soon as I get her home and settled, I’ll text you the details. I shouldn’t be too late tomorrow night,” he promised.

“Not a problem,” she said. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” She grabbed her things and started for his private elevator. Trinity could feel his eyes on her the whole time and the way that he watched her made her hot.

“Night, Trinity,” he breathed as the doors to the elevator closed.

“Goodnight, Ace,” she said.

Tags: K.L. Ramsey Smokey Bandits MC Romance