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“We just need witnesses,” he said.

“I’d like to ask Beck. She’s become so much more than my assistant. Beck’s become my friend,” Trinity said. “How about you? Who will you ask to be your best man?”

“Knox,” Ace said. “He’s my best friend and my business partner. I’ll call him in the morning and tell him to clear our schedules. Now let’s get some rest.” He lifted her into his arms, cradling her body against his chest. He couldn’t wait to spend the rest of his life with her and that started now. Trinity belonged to him and he was finally holding all the cards.

* * *

Ace woke early the next morning and decided to head into work to talk to Knox. His friend was also an early riser and he was usually in the office hours before Ace even had his first cup of coffee. Trinity was going to take Bella to daycare and he promised to pick her up before meeting her down at the courthouse. He couldn’t wait to become an official family with Trinity and Arabella.

Hearing her admit that she loved him was the best thing he’d ever heard anyone say, but Trinity admitting that she wanted kids with him was a very close second. He loved the idea of them giving Arabella brothers and sisters to play with. He just hoped that she’d want to start working on growing their family soon because he liked the idea of Trinity pregnant with his baby.

By the time he got to the office, the sun was coming up. He parked in his designated spot and smiled to himself when he looked over to find Knox’s car already in its spot. “So predictable,” he whispered to himself. His best friend was a creature of habit and Ace found that fact comforting—most of the time.

Ace found Knox in his office and gently knocked on the open door, not wanting to startle his friend. “You’re here early,” Ace said.

“I’m always here early, man,” Knox reminded. “What are you doing here so early?”

“Well, I have news and need a favor,” Ace admitted.

“News first, favor second,” Knox ordered, sipping his coffee.

“Man, just because you get up early in the morning, doesn’t mean that you aren’t the grumpiest morning person I’ve ever met,” Ace teased. Knox waved his hands at Ace as if telling him to get a move on with his news, causing him to chuckle. “Fine,” Ace breathed. “The news is that I’m getting married to Trinity.”

“Wow,” Knox said. “That’s pretty big fucking news for this early in the morning. I heard about what happened over at your place last night. Does this big news have anything to do with what happened between Rooster and Trinity?” he asked.

“Yes and no,” Ace admitted. “Trinity finally admitted that she’s in love with me and that had everything to do with Rooster holding her at gunpoint. I guess a part of me owes that asshole for finally getting my girl to admit that she’s in love with me. But the rest of it—the part where I asked her to marry me, has nothing to do with the shit that went on in my home last night. I’ve been in love with her for some time now and honestly, I’ve wanted to ask her to marry me for weeks, but I was afraid that I’d scare her off if I did. So, I held off. Hearing her say the words—telling me that she’s in love with me, well, that was all I needed, you know?”

“No, I don’t know. But, I am happy for you, man. I think it’s great that you found the person that you want to be tied down to. For me, that will never happen. I’m a free agent and plan on staying that way,” Knox proclaimed.

“Careful man,” Ace warned. “I said the same thing and then I met Trinity. You never know when the right person is going to just show up in your life.”

“Whatever,” Knox grumbled. “So, what’s the favor you need?” he asked, trying to move their conversation along. “My assistant just quit on me this morning. I guess that calling her home at four in the morning and asking her when she was coming into work, was too much.”

Ace threw his head back and laughed. “Fuck Knox,” he all but shouted. “You go through assistants almost as fast as you go through the barflies at the Bandits. You know that most assistants work from nine to five, right? Who the fuck calls their employees at four in the morning for anything?” Ace chided.

“Yeah, yeah,” Knox grumbled. “Lesson learned.”

“Liar—you’ll do it all over again with whoever is unfortunate enough to become your next assistant,” Ace said.

“Probably.” Knox shrugged. “But, it doesn’t change the fact that I have a busy day and no help now.”

“Okay, well than asking my favor might not go over well,” Ace admitted. “I’m getting married today and would love for you to be my best man. Feel like playing hooky with me?” he asked.

“Today?” Knox asked. “Tell me that Trinity isn’t pregnant and you want to give her a quick wedding.”

“She’s not pregnant—yet. I’m all for another kid and I want them with Trinity. This is about marrying my girl, Knox. I’d love for you to be able to be there and having you stand up for me would be awesome.” Ace was beginning to think that telling Knox any of this might have been a mistake.

“I didn’t mean it the way it sounded,” Knox defended. “I just want to make sure that this is what you want, Ace. Are you happy?” He was more than fucking happy. He was finally having all of his dreams come true, but he didn’t want to sound like a sappy school girl, telling his best friend that.

“Yes,” he breathed. “I’m happy, Knox. Trinity makes me very happy.”

“Well, then, I’m happy for you both,” Knox said. “I’d love to take the day off from work to help you get hitched. I just have to find an assistant, but that shouldn’t take me too long.”

Ace rolled his eyes and smiled at his friend. “How about this time, you don’t pick your new assistant based on the sway of her hips or how well she fills out her pencil skirt,” Ace teased.

“Now, where is the fun in that?” Knox asked.

“Just a suggestion, man,” Ace said. “I have a few things to do to get ready for today but we’re meeting down at the courthouse at noon to get our license and Trinity has a judge friend who will marry us.”

“Sounds good, Ace,” Knox agreed. “Let me know what I can do to help you today. I just wish we had time for a bachelor party. I’d throw you a pretty epic bash,” Knox said. “You sure you don’t want to wait so I can throw you a party, man?” Ace did not doubt that his friend would throw him a bachelor party to end all parties, but he also knew that waiting to marry Trinity wasn’t something he wanted to do.

“Nope,” Ace said. “I’ll stick to my plan of marrying the woman of my dreams this afternoon. How about we save the epic bachelor party for when you get hitched?” Ace asked. Knox made a face that looked like he had been sucking lemons, causing Ace to chuckle. “Geeze, man,” Ace said. “Tell me how you really feel about marriage,” he teased.

“I don’t think that my face is enough to convey just how much I hate the idea of being tied down by a woman. I’m more of a tie a woman up kind of guy,” Knox teased.

“Ugh, how about we save this conversation for another time?” Ace asked. “I have a future to get to with the woman I love. See you at the courtroom at noon,” he said, pointing at Knox on his way out of the office.

“I’ll be there, man,” Knox promised. Getting Knox on board to be his best man was just the first task he was given by his lovely bride-to-be for the day. The rest would have to wait until he had his coffee.

Tags: K.L. Ramsey Smokey Bandits MC Romance