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He shouted at them all the way out of their home and Ace turned to her. “You sure you want to help him?” he asked.

Trinity nodded, “I think it’s only right. He said that my sister was the one who left him. He said that he gave her some space and that she promised to go back to him, but she never did. She ran again from someone who cared about her and look where she ended up.”

“Charity ended up getting the help that she needs. She’ll be better for what happened, in the long run. You just have to believe that and be patient,” Ace said. Arabella’s cry rang out through the house, letting her know that it was time for her feeding. So much for sleep.

“I’ll grab her and you talk to the cops. I’m sure that they’ll have questions for you since you were here when he broke in. I’ll be right back. If you need anything, Repo over there will take care of you until I can change Bella’s diaper and get back down here,” Ace said. She looked over to where Repo was patiently waiting them out and smiled at him. She remembered the biker from the bar earlier when he put his name into the bid for club Prez.

“Be right back,” Ace breathed. She wanted to stop him from walking out of the kitchen. She wasn’t worried about having to talk to the authorities. What scared her was not being able to finally tell Ace how she felt about him.

“Ready to answer a few questions for us, Ms. Gaines?” one of the police officers asked.

She nodded, “Would you mind if we sit at the kitchen table?” she asked. “I’m suddenly feeling very tired.” The officer nodded his agreement.

“How about I make a pot of coffee?” Repo asked.

“Thank you,” Trinity said, sitting across the table from the officer. Another one joined them in the kitchen, sitting next to her at the table.

“Can you tell us what happened?” the first officer asked.

“I was in bed and I heard the alarm trip and thought that Ace was home. I turned on the alarm before heading to bed and thought that he had maybe had one too many drinks out with some friends tonight. I came down here to the kitchen to type in the code to stop the alarm before it woke the baby. I thought that Rooster was Ace and when the phone rang, I answered it, to tell the security company that I was fine.”

“But you weren’t fine,” Ace said, standing behind her, holding Bella.

“No, I wasn’t,” she agreed. “I realized that Rooster wasn’t Ace after I answered the call. I was hoping that the woman at the security company would pick up on the fact that I wasn’t alone. I’m so thankful that she did, or tonight might have ended very differently.”

“Did the intruder tell you why he was in your home?” the second officer asked.

“Yes,” Trinity breathed. “He was with my sister and he wanted to know where Charity was.”

“Is your sister staying here with you?” the officer asked.

“No,” she said. “My sister is a drug addict and I got her into a rehab center across town. I offered to let him know that I’d tell her he was here. I go out there every Friday to see Charity, but that wasn’t good enough for Rooster. He seemed to think that I was lying to him about where my sister is.”

“I’m assuming you’d like to press charges,” the first officer asked.

“She would,” Ace growled, startling Arabella from eating her bottle in his arms. Trinity looked up at him, silently questioning him. “You will press charges,” he insisted. “Then you can get him help like you did your sister. Well, that is, if you want to represent him too.”

“I do,” she insisted. “I’ll be his lawyer and yes, I will press charges. Ace is right—if I let him walk, he’ll never get the help that he needs. This way, when they both get out of rehab, they’ll be better equipped to handle life.” Trinity just hoped that was true because she knew that fixing people who didn’t want to be fixed would be nearly impossible.

Tags: K.L. Ramsey Smokey Bandits MC Romance