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“So fucking hot, baby,” he growled. Ace pulled his t-shirt over his head and settled between her legs, pulling her thighs over his broad shoulders to open her further for his inspection.

“God, you smell good,” he whispered against her wet folds. Ace slid two fingers through her wetness and sunk them into her body, loving her breathy little moans. When he dipped his head to lick her sensitive nub into his mouth, she cried out his name. He’d never get enough of her calling for him when he licked his way into her sweet pussy.

Trinity moaned and thrust herself into his mouth, taking what she needed from him and when he got her off, she screamed out his name. Ace couldn’t stand not being inside of her one minute longer, he pulled her to the edged of the desk, dropped his jeans to the hardwood floor, and thrust into her core. Trinity wrapped her legs around him as he pumped in and out of her body. He was so close that when he felt her core tighten around his dick he couldn’t stop his pending release.

“Fuck, Trinity,” he growled as he pumped into her body, spilling his seed deep inside her. Ace practically collapsed on top of her body; they were both trying to catch their breath.

“Ace,” she whispered, stroking her hand down his back. He thought for sure that she was finally going to tell him how she felt about him. He could tell that she was in love with him too, every time she looked into his eyes, but she was stubbornly refusing to say the words to him.

“Trinity,” he whispered back.

“You're smushing me,” she breathed. Yeah—not quite the declaration of love that he was hoping for from her. He chuckled and stood from her body, giving her the space she needed. “Sorry,” she said.

“We should get back out there, anyway.” Ace pulled free from her body and tugged his jeans back up his thighs. He handed her the clothes that she had discarded on the only chair that sat in the corner of the small room, and she thanked him. They were back to being polite and he hated it. Ace was done with pretending.

“God Trinity,” he grumbled. “I wish you’d tell me how you feel. I mean—give me something to go on here. Just a nibble would be great. I can see how you feel about me every time you look at me. Why not just say the words?” he asked.

“I thought that you said that you didn’t need me to give you the words, Ace,” she said. “When you told me that you’ve fallen for me, you promised that you didn’t tell me that so I’d feel obligated to give you the same words back. Has that now changed?” she asked. Fighting with a lawyer was something that he was quickly finding to be less fun than he originally thought it would be. Trinity was smart and sparring with her was challenging, to say the least.

“Nothing has changed,” he promised. “I’m in love with you and that will never change, but I’m not sure that you believe that, do you? You think that I’m eventually going to leave you, just like your parents left and like Charity left. I can tell you that won’t happen, Trinity. I’ve never been in love with another woman in my life. I’ve never given those words to any other person—just you. Well, and Bella.” Trinity swiped at the tears that spilled down her cheeks and nodded.

“Not my sister?” she asked.

“No—not Charity,” he promised. “I was never in love with your sister. I love the person we created together, but I never felt anything like what I feel for you, for her, or anyone else. I just wish you’d get it through your stubborn brain that I’m here to stay. I love you, Trinity,” he breathed.

She pulled on her jeans and took her time slipping on her boots. “I can’t do this right now, Ace. I’ll catch an Uber home to relieve Ashley. You should stay here and catch up with your friends. I can’t make you promises right now. I’m not sure that I fully believe that you won’t get tired of me and take off, just like everyone else in my life. I guess I just need some time to think. Can you give me that?” she asked. He’d give her time, but he wouldn’t stop making her promises or telling her how much he loved her. Those things wouldn’t change no matter how much she pushed him away.

“Fine, I’ll give you all the time you need, Baby. But, it won’t change anything. I love you. I’ll stay for about an hour. You take the SUV,” he said, handing her the keys. “I’ll catch a ride home with one of the guys.”

“You sure? I don’t mind calling an Uber,” she said.

“Not at all,” he said. “I want you home safely. Text me when you get there and Ashley leaves. I won’t be too late,” he promised.

“Take all the time you need,” she said, giving him back his words.

* * *

Ace grabbed a beer and sat in his favorite corner at the bar. He felt more like sulking than socializing with his brothers. Watching Trinity take off in his SUV felt like a punch in the gut. He wanted to chase after her. Hell, he wanted to climb into his car and tell her that this whole thing was ridiculous. She was running away from him and he was letting her go—for now. He’d sit and sulk, drinking his two beers, and then, he’d catch a ride home with one of the guys. Repo usually headed out pretty early, claiming that he needed to get home to his Ol’lady and kid. Ace never really understood all of that before, but now he did. His priorities had shifted and all he wanted to do was go home and demand that Trinity listen to reason and tell him that she loved him.

“Hey man,” Repo said. He sat down next to Ace on the empty barstool and handed him another beer.

“Thanks, Repo,” Ace said. “Sorry about you not getting the job and all.”

Repo shrugged, “No big deal,” he said. “I’ve only been here for a few months now—can’t blame the guys for voting for Ryker, he’s a good guy. He’ll make a damn good Prez.” Repo was right, Ryker would make a good Prez. He was tough but fair and Ace was sure that his friend would treat all of the Bandit’s that way.

“So, why the long face?” Repo asked. “You upset about having to give all this up?” He held his arms wide and Ace chuckled.

“No,” Ace said. “Honestly, I don’t have the time that I needed to do the job right. The Bandits deserve a Prez that can be around when he’s needed and I’m not that guy anymore. Not since getting Arabella back and finding Trinity. The casino is kicking my ass and now, Knox and I are going to open a second one. I just couldn’t juggle it all anymore.”

“I get it, man,” Repo said. “Having a family is tough at first, especially when you’re used to going it alone. It took me a few months to get used to having someone around twenty-four seven. But, you get used to it. Hell, it’s kind of nice, if I’m being honest.”

“Yeah—it is,” Ace agreed.

“So, you’re not upset about giving up your job as the club’s Prez. What’s going on then, Ace?” Repo asked.

“Trinity,” Ace grumbled as if just saying her name would clue his friend in on exactly what was going on.

“Ahh—she’s giving you a fight?” Repo asked.

Tags: K.L. Ramsey Smokey Bandits MC Romance