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“I’m not looking for you to say it back to me, Trinity,” he said. “That’s not why I told you. I just thought you should know what I’m feeling. We did agree to give each other total honesty,” he reminded her.

“I’m—I’m just not ready,” she whispered.

“Well, lucky for you, I’m a very patient man, Trinity. You take as long as you need. I’ll wait,” he promised. “In the meantime, I have to head into my bar. You want to come with me?” She had only been to his bar once when she dropped Bella off to him. Trinity wasn’t sure that the biker bar was exactly her scene, though.

“I don’t know if that’s such a good idea,” she warned. “I don’t seem to fit into the whole biker theme of the place, you know. Plus, who will stay with Bella?”

“I can hire a sitter,” he offered. “Please, Trinity. I’d like to introduce you to my club as my Ol’lady,” he said. She knew enough about his world to know about the bikers calling their women Ol’ladies. She always thought that part was a little strange. Why would any woman want to be called old? But Ace telling all his friends that she was his made her a little hot, and she was curious about the ins and outs of the club. Maybe going into town with him and hanging out at his bar might be the best way to do a little research.

“Okay,” she agreed. “I’d like to go to your bar with you.”

“Great,” he breathed. “I’ll arrange for a sitter for Arabella and you go get ready.”

“What does one wear to a biker bar, exactly?” she asked.

“As little a possible, Baby,” he teased. “Just jeans and a t-shirt works—nothing fancy. Just be ready in an hour. I want to get there a few minutes early to talk to a few of the guys.”

“I’ll be ready,” she promised.

* * *

Ace knocked on the bathroom door as she was finishing up her makeup, and she felt like hundreds of butterflies had been released into her tummy. Nervous didn’t even begin to describe how she was feeling about officially meeting Ace’s friends and hanging out with the Bandits. She just hoped that they didn’t blame her for Ace giving up his position in the club.

“You ready, beautiful? Wow, you look hot,” he said. She felt her cheeks heat and he chuckled.

“You do love to make me blush,” she breathed, checking her reflection one last time.

“Well, it’s pretty damn cute when you turn that adorable shade of pink, Baby,” he agreed. “Speaking of baby—the sitter is here. So, we can head out whenever you’re ready.”

“Is that your subtle way of telling me to move my ass?” she asked.

He looked down her body and reached around to cup her ass, “I love it when you move your ass,” he teased. He pulled her against his body and kissed her.

“You keep doing that,” she said, breaking their kiss, “and we’ll never get to the bar.”

“Yeah—and I told the guys to be there by eight, so we do need to get moving. You ready?” Ace asked. He took her hand and led her to the kitchen where Miss Ashley was holding Bella, looking around their place. Trinity hated the way Ashley touched every one of Ace’s pictures as if she was caressing him through the glass. She got to the last picture of Trinity and Ace together, quickly skipping it over. She turned to smile at Ace as soon as she noticed him standing in the kitchen. Ashley let her eyes roam his big body and when she got to their joined hands, she quickly looked back up at Trinity.

“Hello, Ashley,” Trinity said. “Thank you for babysitting Bella for us.” She emphasized the word, “Us”, and Ace squeezed her hand into his own.

“Yeah,” he added. “We appreciate you being able to watch her on such short notice.”

“No problem,” Ashley said, giving him her best smile. “I have to admit, I’m surprised to find the two of you together, not that it’s any of my business.”

Ace nodded, “You’re right,” he said. “It’s not anyone’s business. I’d prefer that you keep my personal life to yourself—you know, around the daycare. I’m a very private person. Can we count on your discretion?” he asked.

“Of course,” she agreed. “When Arabella’s mother showed up at the daycare, I didn’t let the fires of gossip spread around the daycare. Even though she’s a baby, I think that she understands things on some level. I’d never want Bella to feel different because of what people are saying about her.”

“We both appreciate that, Ashley,” Trinity said. “My sister was wrong to have shown up and been so awful to you, but she is sick. She’s getting the help she needs now and hopefully, that will never happen again. We appreciate everything that you did to keep Bella safe that day.”

Ashley beamed with pride at Trinity’s praise. “Thanks,” she breathed.

“We might be a little late tonight,” Ace said. “Feel free to fall asleep on the sofa. We can wake you when we get home.”

“Oh, don’t worry about me. I’m a night owl. I’ll probably find a good movie and just cuddle this cutie,” she said nodding to Arabella in her arms. “Have fun,” she called to them as they were on their way out.

“Thanks,” they said in unison.

“Ready?” Ace asked.

“As I’ll ever be,” Trinity agreed. Ace chuckled and helped her on with her jacket.

“Did I mention that you look hot?” he asked.

“I believe you did, but I’m good with hearing it again,” she teased.

Tags: K.L. Ramsey Smokey Bandits MC Romance