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“Yeah—how did you know that?” she asked. Her new landlord gave her the creeps but she didn’t want to take any chances and report him to the corporation that ran the place or anything. She had learned a long time ago when to pick her battles and when to leave things alone. She had a feeling that leaving her slimy new landlord alone was her best bet to fly under the radar.

“I kind of met the scumbag,” Ace said.

“Was he stalking around my place? He likes to wait for me to get home from work every night and then asks me how my day was and that kind of thing,” she said.

“I didn’t find him outside waiting for you,” he said. “He was in your apartment, Trinity.” She gasped and covered her mouth with her shaking hand.

“How did he get into my apartment?” she questioned.

“Spare key,” Ace said. “He said that you allowed him in, but I thought it was a little strange that he was waiting for you on your bed. Tell me you don’t have anything going on with that asshole, Honey,” he ordered.

“Eww—no,” she almost shouted. “I’d never give him permission to enter my apartment. He was on my bed, waiting for me?” she asked.

“Yes,” Ace growled. “I should have ripped him apart with my bare hands, but I let him walk out of there. You can’t go back to that place, Trinity. It’s not safe. Even if you decide not to move in here, let me help you find someplace new to live,” he begged.

“You’re right,” she whispered. “I can’t go back there. My lease says that the super had to give me twenty-four hours’ notice before entering my apartment. He did not. I’ve been putting it off for a while now—reporting him to corporate. I was afraid that he’d retaliate if I did, but I won’t be there anymore. I’d love to move in here with you and Bella, Ace. Not because I have no other options but because it just feels like the right thing to do. I want to be here for Bella,” she said. He grabbed her empty plate from in front of her and gathered his dishes, quickly cleaning up their dinner mess.

“And what about what’s happening between us?” he asked, his back still turned to her while he dried the dinner dishes. She hopped down from her barstool and rounded the huge center island that took up most of the kitchen. Trinity took the towel from Ace, letting her fingers brush his.

“What’s going on between us, Ace?” she whispered. He put their plates back up on the shelf and turned back to face her.

“I don’t know what to call it,” he admitted. “Hell, I don’t care what the fuck we name what’s going on between us. I want you, Trinity. That’s about all I know. I can’t stop thinking about you and it’s driving me crazy. I know I shouldn’t want you this way—you’re my ex’s sister and my daughter’s aunt. And God, I’m worried that taking what I want from you will fuck up our relationship and the one that you are building with Arabella.” She brazenly took a step in his direction, invading his personal space. Ace wrapped a protective arm around her middle and she looked up at him. Trinity could see the turmoil and angst in his brown eyes, looking back at her.

“I thought we agreed to draw up some very legal rules—you know to help guide us past our self-doubts,” she said.

“Right,” he agreed. “Tell me that you’ll stay with me tonight, Trinity.”

“I already told you that I’ll spend the night, Ace,” she reminded.

“I mean in my bed, Honey. Stay with me, in my bed. I don’t want to wait for you. Spend the night with me,” he said. She wasn’t sure if he was ordering her to stay with him in his bed or if he was asking her. All Trinity knew was that she wanted to tell him yes. She wanted to spend the night in his bed again tonight and this time, she hoped to do more than just sleep.

“Yes,” she breathed. “After we finish going over our ground rules, I’d like to spend the night with you in your bed,” she agreed.

He released her and quickly made his way to his home office. “Where are you going?” she called after him.

“To grab a paper and pen, be right back,” he shouted back over his shoulder.

* * *

The two of them spent the rest of the evening cuddled up on Ace’s oversized sofa going over some legalities that would give her rights as Bella’s aunt. Ace promised to let her continue to see Bella even if they stop seeing each other or agree to part ways. It was more than she could have hoped for, given the fact that she wasn’t Arabella’s guardian.

“So, ground rules,” Trinity said. “What should they be?”

“Well, you agree to give our new living arrangement a week, right?” he asked.

“Yes,” she agreed. “I’d like to see if this can work.”

“Fine,” he said. “I want you in my bed, Trinity.”

“I thought that was already agreed upon. I’ll spend the night with you tonight,” she said.

“I didn’t mean just tonight, Honey. I want you in my bed the whole time you live here. I want you for more than just a night, Trinity,” he breathed. “I just need to know if you feel the same way.”

Trinity pretended to be taking notes and when he admitted to wanting her for more than just a night, she dropped her pen onto the pad of paper. “Oh,” she breathed. “I feel the same way, Ace. I’ll stay in your bed while I’m living here,” she promised.

“I’m assuming that our new agreement will mean that you won’t be making a conscious effort to wear more clothing then?” he teased. Trinity could feel her cheeks heat again.

“Only if you promise to stop trying to get me to blush, Ace,” she insisted.

Tags: K.L. Ramsey Smokey Bandits MC Romance